706 lines
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706 lines
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* __________________
* [2018] Illuni Incorporated
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains
* the property of Illuni Incorporated and its suppliers,
* if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained
* herein are proprietary to Illuni Incorporated
* and its suppliers and may be covered by Republic of Korea, U.S. and Foreign Patents,
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* Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
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* from Illuni Incorporated.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenCVCompact;
namespace dnn
public class DNNUtils : dnnDisposeable
public struct FaceObject
public OpenCVCompact.RectFloat rect;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 5)]
public OpenCVCompact.Point[] landmark;
public float prob;
public struct Object
public OpenCVCompact.RectFloat rect;
public int label;
public float prob;
const string LIBNAME = "__Internal";
const string LIBNAME = "face_analyzer";
List<string> dnnFaceAttribLabels_7;
List<int> dnnFaceAttribLayerSize_7;
List<string> dnnFaceAttribMethod_7;
public Dictionary<string, string> dnnFaceAttribRes_7;
public List<string> dnnFaceExpLabels_7;
public List<string> objectLabels_21;
private static extern void Release_DNN(IntPtr objPtr);
private static extern IntPtr Create_DNN();
private static extern bool Init_FaceLandmarkDetect(IntPtr objPtr, string model_data_path);
private static extern bool Init_FaceLandmarkDetect_Mobile(IntPtr objPtr, string model_data_path);
private static extern void Init_HeadPoseEstimation(IntPtr objPtr);
private static extern void Init_HeadPoseEstimation_CameraInfo(IntPtr objPtr, int image_width, int image_height);
private static extern bool Detect_Face(IntPtr objPtr, IntPtr image, IntPtr detectedFace, int minSize, int maxSize, bool usePyr);
private static extern float Estimate_FacialLandmark(IntPtr objPtr, IntPtr iImage, ref int rect, IntPtr landmark, int flag, bool kalman_or_not, int level);
private static extern bool Get_EstimateLandmarkSuccessOrNot(IntPtr objPtr);
private static extern void Set_EstimateLandmarkSuccessOrNot(IntPtr objPtr, bool val);
private static extern bool Solve_HeadPoseEstimation(IntPtr objPtr, IntPtr landmark);
private static extern void Get_HeadPose(IntPtr objPtr, ref float roll, ref float pitch, ref float yaw);
private static extern void Get_HeadPoseBox(IntPtr objPtr, out IntPtr vec_float, out int size_of_vec_float);
private static extern void Square_From_InnerLandmark(IntPtr objPtr, IntPtr landmark, out IntPtr rect);
private static extern int Init_FaceAttribNet_7(IntPtr objPtr, string model_file_path);
private static extern bool Est_FaceAttribNet_7(IntPtr objPtr, IntPtr imgPtr, IntPtr lndmrkPtr, int colorType, IntPtr probPtr);
private static extern int Init_FaceExpressionNet_7(IntPtr objPtr, string model_file_path);
private static extern bool Est_FaceExpressionNet_7(IntPtr objPtr, IntPtr imgPtr, IntPtr lndmrkPtr, int colorType, IntPtr probPtr);
private static extern int Init_MultiTinyFaceDetector(IntPtr objPtr, string model_file_path);
private static extern bool Est_MultiTinyFaceDetector(IntPtr objPtr, IntPtr imgPtr, float prob_threshold, float nms_threshold, int colorType, out IntPtr val_ptr, out int nb_of_values, out int size_of_a_value);
private static extern int Init_YOLOV3Detector(IntPtr objPtr, string model_file_path, string param_file_path);
private static extern bool Est_YOLOV3Detector(IntPtr objPtr, IntPtr imgPtr, int colorType, out IntPtr val_ptr, out int nb_of_values, out int size_of_a_value);
private static extern void Init_KalmanFilter(IntPtr objPtr, float noise_weight);
* Init and Create DNN Utils Object
public DNNUtils()
nativeObj = Create_DNN();
* Init Face Landmark Detect Module
* @param[in] face_model_data_path(string) facial landmark dnn(deep neural network) model file path(face_lndmrk_detect.bin)
* @return[bool] result
public bool InitFaceLandmarkDetect(string face_model_data_path)
if (nativeObj == IntPtr.Zero)
return false;
return Init_FaceLandmarkDetect(nativeObj, face_model_data_path);
* Init Face Landmark Detect Module
* @param[in] face_model_data_path(string) facial landmark dnn(deep neural network) model file path(face_lndmrk_detect.bin)
* @return[bool] result
public bool InitFaceLandmarkDetectMobile(string face_model_data_path)
if (nativeObj == IntPtr.Zero)
return false;
return Init_FaceLandmarkDetect_Mobile(nativeObj, face_model_data_path);
* Init Head Pose Estimation Module
public void InitHeadPoseEstimation()
* Init Head Pose Estimation Camera Information to draw head bounding box with profer perspective
* @param[in] image_width(int) input image width(column size)
* @param[in] image_height(int) input image height(row size)
public void InitHeadPoseEstimationCameraInfo(int image_width, int image_height)
Init_HeadPoseEstimation_CameraInfo(nativeObj, image_width, image_height);
* Detect Face Location
* @param[in] image(Mat) target image frame
* @param[out] objects(MatOfRect) output face locations
* @param[in] minSize(int) minimum face size
* @param[in] maxSize(int) maximum face size
* @param[in] usePyr(bool) use image pyramid strategy or not
* @return[bool] detect face success or not (true: success, false: failed)
public bool DetectFace(Mat image, MatOfRect objects, int minSize, int maxSize, bool usePyr)
if (image != null) image.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (objects != null) objects.ThrowIfDisposed();
Mat objects_mat = objects;
bool res = Detect_Face(nativeObj, image.nativeObj, objects_mat.nativeObj, minSize, maxSize, usePyr);
return res;
* Estimate Facial Landmarks
* @param[in] iImage(IntPtr) target image frame
* @param[in] rect(ref int) target face location in rectangle(x, y, width, height)
* @param[out] landmark(IntPtr) minimum face size
* @param[in] flag(int) facial landmark mode.
* 0: only estimate inner facial 51 landmarks
* 1: estimate inner and contour facial 84 landmarks (takes much times than mode 0)
* @param[in] kalman_or_not(bool) kalman filtering or not for contour facial landmark if it has previous landmarks estimate for smooth tracking.
* @param[in] lndmrkEstLevel(int) landmark estimation level within 1 ~ 4. 1: Not accurate but fast, 4: accurate but slow.
* @return[float] facial landmark estimation score
public float EstimateFacialLandmark(IntPtr iImage, ref int rect, IntPtr landmark, int flag = 0, bool kalman_or_not = false, int lndmrkEstLevel = 3)
return Estimate_FacialLandmark(nativeObj, iImage, ref rect, landmark, flag, kalman_or_not, lndmrkEstLevel);
* Get Facial Landmark Estimation Result
* @return[bool] Facial landmark estimation success or not (true: success, false: failed)
public bool GetEstimateLandmarkSuccessOrNot()
return Get_EstimateLandmarkSuccessOrNot(nativeObj);
* Set Facial Landmark Estimation Result
* @param[in] val(bool) target value (true: success, false: failed)
public void SetEstimateLandmarkSuccessOrNot(bool val)
Set_EstimateLandmarkSuccessOrNot(nativeObj, val);
* Calculate Head Pose from the facial landmark
* @param[in] landmark(IntPtr) input facial landmark
* @return[bool] result
public bool SolveHeadPoseEstimation(IntPtr landmark)
return Solve_HeadPoseEstimation(nativeObj, landmark);
* Get Head Pose
* @param[out] roll(ref float) roll angle
* @param[out] pitch(ref float) pitch angle
* @param[out] yaw(ref float) yaw angle
public void GetHeadPose(ref float roll, ref float pitch, ref float yaw)
Get_HeadPose(nativeObj, ref roll, ref pitch, ref yaw);
* Get Head Pose Box
* @param[out] points(OpenCVCompact.Point[]) head pose box composed with 8 points
public void GetHeadPoseBox(out OpenCVCompact.Point[] points)
IntPtr point_ptr;
int size_of_point;
Get_HeadPoseBox(nativeObj, out point_ptr, out size_of_point);
float[] points_val = new float[size_of_point];
Marshal.Copy(point_ptr, points_val, 0, size_of_point);
points = new OpenCVCompact.Point[size_of_point / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < size_of_point / 2; i++)
points[i] = new Point(points_val[2 * i + 0], points_val[2 * i + 1]);
* Get Face Rectangle from inner facial landmarks. The result rectangle is used for facial landmark tracking.
* @param[in] landmark(IntPtr) input inner facial landmark
* @return[int[]] face roi square
public int[] SquareFromInnerLandmark(IntPtr landmark)
// OpenCVCompact.Rect rect_out = new OpenCVCompact.Rect();
IntPtr rect_ptr;
Square_From_InnerLandmark(nativeObj, landmark, out rect_ptr);
int[] rect_int = new int[4];
Marshal.Copy(rect_ptr, rect_int, 0, 4);
//rect_out.x = rect_int[0];
//rect_out.y = rect_int[1];
//rect_out.width = rect_int[2];
//rect_out.height = rect_int[3];
return rect_int;
* Initialize Face Attribute Estimation DNN Model
* @param[in] model_file_path(string) dnn model file path(att_7.bin)
* @return[int] initialization success or not(1: success, -1: false)
public int InitFaceAttribNet_7(string model_file_path)
return Init_FaceAttribNet_7(nativeObj, model_file_path);
* Estimate Face Attribute From Face Image and Facial Landmark
* @param[in] imgPtr(IntPtr) target face image
* @param[in] lndmrkPtr(IntPtr) target face landmark
* @param[out] probPtr(IntPtr) 7 facial attribute probabilistic result data
* @return[bool] result
* @note Face Attribute Estimation Deep Neural Network Model is trained on frontal face. Non-frontal face will be not accurate!
public bool EstFaceAttribNet_7(IntPtr imgPtr, IntPtr lndmrkPtr, int colorType, IntPtr probPtr)
return Est_FaceAttribNet_7(nativeObj, imgPtr, lndmrkPtr, colorType, probPtr);
* Initialize Face Expression Estimation DNN Model
* @param[in] model_file_path(string) dnn model file path(face_exp.bin)
* @return[int] initialization success or not(1: success, -1: false)
public int InitFaceExpressionNet_7(string model_file_path)
return Init_FaceExpressionNet_7(nativeObj, model_file_path);
* Estimate Face Expression From Face Image and Facial Landmark
* @param[in] imgPtr(IntPtr) target face image
* @param[in] lndmrkPtr(IntPtr) target face landmark
* @param[out] probPtr(IntPtr) 7 facial expression probabilistic result data
* @return[bool] result
* @note This is BETA function. Face Expression Estimation Deep Neural Network Model is trained on frontal face. Non-frontal face will be not accurate!
public bool EstFaceExpressionNet_7(IntPtr imgPtr, IntPtr lndmrkPtr, int colorType, IntPtr probPtr)
return Est_FaceExpressionNet_7(nativeObj, imgPtr, lndmrkPtr, colorType, probPtr);
* Initialize Multi Tiny Face Detector
* @param[in] model_file_path(string) dnn model file path(multi_tiny_face_detect_mobile.bin)
* @return[int] initialization success or not(1: success, -1: false)
* @note This is based on NCNN example. Improved version will ba available in the future.
public int InitMultiTinyFaceDetector(string model_file_path)
return Init_MultiTinyFaceDetector(nativeObj, model_file_path);
* Estimate Multi Tiny Face Information
* @param[in] imgPtr(IntPtr) target face image
* @param[in] prob_threshold(float) probability threshold
* @param[in] nms_threshold(float) nam threshold
* @param[in] colorType(int) input image color type
* @return[FaceObject[]] extimation result
* @note This is based on NCNN example. Improved version will ba available in the future.
public FaceObject[] EstMultiTinyFaceDetector(IntPtr imgPtr, float prob_threshold, float nms_threshold, int colorType = CvType.COLOR_RGB)
IntPtr val_ptr;
int nb_of_values;
int size_of_a_value;
Est_MultiTinyFaceDetector(nativeObj, imgPtr, prob_threshold, nms_threshold, colorType, out val_ptr, out nb_of_values, out size_of_a_value);
float[] values = new float[nb_of_values * size_of_a_value];
Marshal.Copy(val_ptr, values, 0, nb_of_values * size_of_a_value);
FaceObject[] faceObjects = new FaceObject[nb_of_values];
for(int i = 0; i < nb_of_values; i++)
faceObjects[i].landmark = new Point[5];
faceObjects[i].rect.x = values[size_of_a_value * i + 0];
faceObjects[i].rect.y = values[size_of_a_value * i + 1];
faceObjects[i].rect.width = values[size_of_a_value * i + 2];
faceObjects[i].rect.height = values[size_of_a_value * i + 3];
faceObjects[i].landmark[0].x = values[size_of_a_value * i + 4];
faceObjects[i].landmark[0].y = values[size_of_a_value * i + 5];
faceObjects[i].landmark[1].x = values[size_of_a_value * i + 6];
faceObjects[i].landmark[1].y = values[size_of_a_value * i + 7];
faceObjects[i].landmark[2].x = values[size_of_a_value * i + 8];
faceObjects[i].landmark[2].y = values[size_of_a_value * i + 9];
faceObjects[i].landmark[3].x = values[size_of_a_value * i + 10];
faceObjects[i].landmark[3].y = values[size_of_a_value * i + 11];
faceObjects[i].landmark[4].x = values[size_of_a_value * i + 12];
faceObjects[i].landmark[4].y = values[size_of_a_value * i + 13];
faceObjects[i].prob = values[size_of_a_value * i + 14];
return faceObjects;
* Initialize YOLO V3 Detector. This is based on NCNN example
* @param[in] model_file_path(string) dnn model file path("yolov3.bin)
* @param[in] param_file_path(string) dnn param file path("yolov3.param)
* @return[int] initialization success or not(1: success, -1: false)
public int InitYOLOV3Detector(string model_file_path, string param_file_path)
return Init_YOLOV3Detector(nativeObj, model_file_path, param_file_path);
* Estimate Object class and location using YOLO V3 NCNN example
* @param[in] imgPtr(IntPtr) target face image
* @param[in] colorType(int) input image color type
* @return[Object[]] estimation result
* @note This is based on NCNN example.
public Object[] EstYOLOV3Detector(IntPtr imgPtr, int colorType = CvType.COLOR_RGB)
IntPtr val_ptr;
int nb_of_values;
int size_of_a_value;
Est_YOLOV3Detector(nativeObj, imgPtr, colorType, out val_ptr, out nb_of_values, out size_of_a_value);
float[] values = new float[nb_of_values * size_of_a_value];
Marshal.Copy(val_ptr, values, 0, nb_of_values * size_of_a_value);
Object[] objects = new Object[nb_of_values];
for (int i = 0; i < nb_of_values; i++)
objects[i].rect.x = values[size_of_a_value * i + 0];
objects[i].rect.y = values[size_of_a_value * i + 1];
objects[i].rect.width = values[size_of_a_value * i + 2];
objects[i].rect.height = values[size_of_a_value * i + 3];
objects[i].label = (int)values[size_of_a_value * i + 4];
objects[i].prob = values[size_of_a_value * i + 5];
return objects;
* Init Kalman Filter Noise Weight
* @param[in] noiseWeight(float) noise weight for kalman filter
* @note Kalman Filter noise weight. Bigger value show more reliable but less prompt result. For Kalman Filter information, check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter
public void InitKalmanFilter(float noiseWeight)
Init_KalmanFilter(nativeObj, noiseWeight);
* Initialize 7 Facial Attribute Labels for parsing a data
public void InitLabels_7()
dnnFaceAttribLabels_7 = new List<string>();
dnnFaceAttribLayerSize_7 = new List<int>();
dnnFaceAttribMethod_7 = new List<string>();
dnnFaceAttribRes_7 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
* Parse 7 Facial Attribute Labels from a probabilistic numeric data
* @param[in] prob(OpenCVCompact.Mat) probabilistic numeric data, which is the output of EstFaceAttribNet_7 function.
public void ParseEstFaceAttrib_7(OpenCVCompact.Mat prob)
int currIdx = 0;
float resVal = 0;
float resProb = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dnnFaceAttribLabels_7.Count; i++)
if (dnnFaceAttribMethod_7[i] == "classification")
List<float> resAttrib = new List<float>();
for (int j = 0; j < dnnFaceAttribLayerSize_7[i]; j++)
resAttrib.Add((float)prob.get(0, currIdx)[0]);
currIdx = currIdx + 1;
//find max idx
int idx = -1;
float maxVal = -1;
float sumExp = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < resAttrib.Count; j++)
if (resAttrib[j] > maxVal)
maxVal = resAttrib[j];
idx = j;
sumExp = sumExp + (float)Math.Exp(resAttrib[j]);
resVal = idx;
resProb = (float)Math.Exp(resAttrib[idx]) / sumExp;
else // Regression Case
resVal = (float)prob.get(0, currIdx)[0];
currIdx = currIdx + 1;
if (i == 0)
if (resVal == 1)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Female (" + (resProb * 100).ToString("F1") + ") %";
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Male (" + (resProb * 100).ToString("F1") + ") %";
else if (i == 1)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = (resVal * 10).ToString("F1") + " yrs";
else if (i == 2)
if (resVal == 0)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "White (" + (resProb * 100).ToString("F1") + ") %";
else if (resVal == 1)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Black (" + (resProb * 100).ToString("F1") + ") %";
else if (resVal == 2)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Asian (" + (resProb * 100).ToString("F1") + ") %";
else if (resVal == 3)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Indian (" + (resProb * 100).ToString("F1") + ") %";
else if (resVal == 4)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Others (" + (resProb * 100).ToString("F1") + ") %";
else if (i == 3)
if (resVal == 1)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Yes";
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "No";
else if (i == 4)
if (resVal == 1)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Yes";
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "No";
else if (i == 5)
if (resVal == 1)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Yes";
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "No";
else if (i == 6)
if (resVal == 1)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Yes";
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "No";
else if (i == 7)
if (resVal == 1)
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "Yes";
dnnFaceAttribRes_7[dnnFaceAttribLabels_7[i]] = "No";
public void InitExpLabels_7()
dnnFaceExpLabels_7 = new List<string>();
public void InitObjectLabels_21()
objectLabels_21 = new List<string>();
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (IsEnabledDispose)
if (nativeObj != IntPtr.Zero)
nativeObj = IntPtr.Zero;