548 lines
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548 lines
14 KiB
using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.UtilsModule;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenCVForUnity.MlModule
// C++: class DTrees
* The class represents a single decision tree or a collection of decision trees.
* The current public interface of the class allows user to train only a single decision tree, however
* the class is capable of storing multiple decision trees and using them for prediction (by summing
* responses or using a voting schemes), and the derived from DTrees classes (such as RTrees and Boost)
* use this capability to implement decision tree ensembles.
* SEE: REF: ml_intro_trees
public class DTrees : StatModel
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (IsEnabledDispose)
if (nativeObj != IntPtr.Zero)
nativeObj = IntPtr.Zero;
protected internal DTrees(IntPtr addr) : base(addr) { }
// internal usage only
public static new DTrees __fromPtr__(IntPtr addr) { return new DTrees(addr); }
// C++: enum cv.ml.DTrees.Flags
public const int PREDICT_AUTO = 0;
public const int PREDICT_SUM = (1 << 8);
public const int PREDICT_MAX_VOTE = (2 << 8);
public const int PREDICT_MASK = (3 << 8);
// C++: int cv::ml::DTrees::getMaxCategories()
* SEE: setMaxCategories
* return automatically generated
public int getMaxCategories()
return ml_DTrees_getMaxCategories_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setMaxCategories(int val)
* getMaxCategories SEE: getMaxCategories
* param val automatically generated
public void setMaxCategories(int val)
ml_DTrees_setMaxCategories_10(nativeObj, val);
// C++: int cv::ml::DTrees::getMaxDepth()
* SEE: setMaxDepth
* return automatically generated
public int getMaxDepth()
return ml_DTrees_getMaxDepth_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setMaxDepth(int val)
* getMaxDepth SEE: getMaxDepth
* param val automatically generated
public void setMaxDepth(int val)
ml_DTrees_setMaxDepth_10(nativeObj, val);
// C++: int cv::ml::DTrees::getMinSampleCount()
* SEE: setMinSampleCount
* return automatically generated
public int getMinSampleCount()
return ml_DTrees_getMinSampleCount_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setMinSampleCount(int val)
* getMinSampleCount SEE: getMinSampleCount
* param val automatically generated
public void setMinSampleCount(int val)
ml_DTrees_setMinSampleCount_10(nativeObj, val);
// C++: int cv::ml::DTrees::getCVFolds()
* SEE: setCVFolds
* return automatically generated
public int getCVFolds()
return ml_DTrees_getCVFolds_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setCVFolds(int val)
* getCVFolds SEE: getCVFolds
* param val automatically generated
public void setCVFolds(int val)
ml_DTrees_setCVFolds_10(nativeObj, val);
// C++: bool cv::ml::DTrees::getUseSurrogates()
* SEE: setUseSurrogates
* return automatically generated
public bool getUseSurrogates()
return ml_DTrees_getUseSurrogates_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setUseSurrogates(bool val)
* getUseSurrogates SEE: getUseSurrogates
* param val automatically generated
public void setUseSurrogates(bool val)
ml_DTrees_setUseSurrogates_10(nativeObj, val);
// C++: bool cv::ml::DTrees::getUse1SERule()
* SEE: setUse1SERule
* return automatically generated
public bool getUse1SERule()
return ml_DTrees_getUse1SERule_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setUse1SERule(bool val)
* getUse1SERule SEE: getUse1SERule
* param val automatically generated
public void setUse1SERule(bool val)
ml_DTrees_setUse1SERule_10(nativeObj, val);
// C++: bool cv::ml::DTrees::getTruncatePrunedTree()
* SEE: setTruncatePrunedTree
* return automatically generated
public bool getTruncatePrunedTree()
return ml_DTrees_getTruncatePrunedTree_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setTruncatePrunedTree(bool val)
* getTruncatePrunedTree SEE: getTruncatePrunedTree
* param val automatically generated
public void setTruncatePrunedTree(bool val)
ml_DTrees_setTruncatePrunedTree_10(nativeObj, val);
// C++: float cv::ml::DTrees::getRegressionAccuracy()
* SEE: setRegressionAccuracy
* return automatically generated
public float getRegressionAccuracy()
return ml_DTrees_getRegressionAccuracy_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setRegressionAccuracy(float val)
* getRegressionAccuracy SEE: getRegressionAccuracy
* param val automatically generated
public void setRegressionAccuracy(float val)
ml_DTrees_setRegressionAccuracy_10(nativeObj, val);
// C++: Mat cv::ml::DTrees::getPriors()
* SEE: setPriors
* return automatically generated
public Mat getPriors()
return new Mat(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(ml_DTrees_getPriors_10(nativeObj)));
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setPriors(Mat val)
* getPriors SEE: getPriors
* param val automatically generated
public void setPriors(Mat val)
if (val != null) val.ThrowIfDisposed();
ml_DTrees_setPriors_10(nativeObj, val.nativeObj);
// C++: static Ptr_DTrees cv::ml::DTrees::create()
* Creates the empty model
* The static method creates empty decision tree with the specified parameters. It should be then
* trained using train method (see StatModel::train). Alternatively, you can load the model from
* file using Algorithm::load<DTrees>(filename).
* return automatically generated
public static DTrees create()
return DTrees.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(ml_DTrees_create_10()));
// C++: static Ptr_DTrees cv::ml::DTrees::load(String filepath, String nodeName = String())
* Loads and creates a serialized DTrees from a file
* Use DTree::save to serialize and store an DTree to disk.
* Load the DTree from this file again, by calling this function with the path to the file.
* Optionally specify the node for the file containing the classifier
* param filepath path to serialized DTree
* param nodeName name of node containing the classifier
* return automatically generated
public static DTrees load(string filepath, string nodeName)
return DTrees.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(ml_DTrees_load_10(filepath, nodeName)));
* Loads and creates a serialized DTrees from a file
* Use DTree::save to serialize and store an DTree to disk.
* Load the DTree from this file again, by calling this function with the path to the file.
* Optionally specify the node for the file containing the classifier
* param filepath path to serialized DTree
* return automatically generated
public static DTrees load(string filepath)
return DTrees.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(ml_DTrees_load_11(filepath)));
const string LIBNAME = "__Internal";
const string LIBNAME = "opencvforunity";
// C++: int cv::ml::DTrees::getMaxCategories()
private static extern int ml_DTrees_getMaxCategories_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setMaxCategories(int val)
private static extern void ml_DTrees_setMaxCategories_10(IntPtr nativeObj, int val);
// C++: int cv::ml::DTrees::getMaxDepth()
private static extern int ml_DTrees_getMaxDepth_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setMaxDepth(int val)
private static extern void ml_DTrees_setMaxDepth_10(IntPtr nativeObj, int val);
// C++: int cv::ml::DTrees::getMinSampleCount()
private static extern int ml_DTrees_getMinSampleCount_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setMinSampleCount(int val)
private static extern void ml_DTrees_setMinSampleCount_10(IntPtr nativeObj, int val);
// C++: int cv::ml::DTrees::getCVFolds()
private static extern int ml_DTrees_getCVFolds_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setCVFolds(int val)
private static extern void ml_DTrees_setCVFolds_10(IntPtr nativeObj, int val);
// C++: bool cv::ml::DTrees::getUseSurrogates()
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
private static extern bool ml_DTrees_getUseSurrogates_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setUseSurrogates(bool val)
private static extern void ml_DTrees_setUseSurrogates_10(IntPtr nativeObj, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool val);
// C++: bool cv::ml::DTrees::getUse1SERule()
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
private static extern bool ml_DTrees_getUse1SERule_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setUse1SERule(bool val)
private static extern void ml_DTrees_setUse1SERule_10(IntPtr nativeObj, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool val);
// C++: bool cv::ml::DTrees::getTruncatePrunedTree()
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
private static extern bool ml_DTrees_getTruncatePrunedTree_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setTruncatePrunedTree(bool val)
private static extern void ml_DTrees_setTruncatePrunedTree_10(IntPtr nativeObj, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool val);
// C++: float cv::ml::DTrees::getRegressionAccuracy()
private static extern float ml_DTrees_getRegressionAccuracy_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setRegressionAccuracy(float val)
private static extern void ml_DTrees_setRegressionAccuracy_10(IntPtr nativeObj, float val);
// C++: Mat cv::ml::DTrees::getPriors()
private static extern IntPtr ml_DTrees_getPriors_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::ml::DTrees::setPriors(Mat val)
private static extern void ml_DTrees_setPriors_10(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr val_nativeObj);
// C++: static Ptr_DTrees cv::ml::DTrees::create()
private static extern IntPtr ml_DTrees_create_10();
// C++: static Ptr_DTrees cv::ml::DTrees::load(String filepath, String nodeName = String())
private static extern IntPtr ml_DTrees_load_10(string filepath, string nodeName);
private static extern IntPtr ml_DTrees_load_11(string filepath);
// native support for java finalize()
private static extern void ml_DTrees_delete(IntPtr nativeObj);