
646 lines
31 KiB

#if !UNITY_WSA_10_0
using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.DnnModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.ImgprocModule;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using OpenCVRange = OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.Range;
using OpenCVRect = OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.Rect;
namespace OpenCVForUnityExample.DnnModel
/// <summary>
/// Referring to
/// </summary>
public class MediaPipePoseEstimator
float conf_threshold;
int backend;
int target;
Net pose_estimation_net;
Size input_size = new Size(256, 256);
// # RoI will be larger so the performance will be better, but preprocess will be slower. Default to 1.
public Mat tmpImage;
Mat tmpRotatedImage;
Mat mask_warp;
Mat invert_rotation_mask_32F;
Mat colorMat;
public MediaPipePoseEstimator(string modelFilepath, float confThreshold = 0.5f, int backend = Dnn.DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV, int target = Dnn.DNN_TARGET_CPU)
// initialize
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelFilepath))
pose_estimation_net = Dnn.readNet(modelFilepath);
conf_threshold = Mathf.Clamp01(confThreshold);
this.backend = backend; = target;
protected virtual Mat preprocess(Mat image, Mat person, out Mat rotated_person_bbox, out double angle, out Mat rotation_matrix, out Mat pad_bias)
// '''
// Rotate input for inference.
// Parameters:
// image - input image of BGR channel order
// face_bbox - human face bounding box found in image of format[[x1, y1], [x2, y2]] (top - left and bottom - right points)
// person_landmarks - 4 landmarks(2 full body points, 2 upper body points) of shape[4, 2]
// Returns:
// rotated_person - rotated person image for inference
// rotate_person_bbox - person box of interest range
// angle - rotate angle for person
// rotation_matrix - matrix for rotation and de - rotation
// pad_bias - pad pixels of interest range
// '''
// Generate an image with padding added after the squarify process.
int maxSize = Math.Max(image.width(), image.height());
int tmpImageSize = (int)(maxSize * 1.5);
if (tmpImage != null && (tmpImage.width() != tmpImageSize || tmpImage.height() != tmpImageSize))
tmpImage = null;
tmpRotatedImage = null;
if (tmpImage == null)
tmpImage = new Mat(tmpImageSize, tmpImageSize, image.type(), Scalar.all(0));
tmpRotatedImage = tmpImage.clone();
int pad = (tmpImageSize - maxSize) / 2;
pad_bias = new Mat(2, 1, CvType.CV_32FC1);
pad_bias.put(0, 0, new float[] { -pad, -pad });
Mat _tmpImage_roi = new Mat(tmpImage, new OpenCVRect(pad, pad, image.width(), image.height()));
// Apply the pad_bias to person_bbox and person_landmarks.
Mat new_person = person.clone();
Mat person_bbox_and_landmark = new_person.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 12)).reshape(2, 6);
Core.add(person_bbox_and_landmark, new Scalar(pad, pad), person_bbox_and_landmark);
// # crop and pad image to interest range
float[] person_keypoints = new float[8];
person_bbox_and_landmark.get(2, 0, person_keypoints);
Point mid_hip_point = new Point(person_keypoints[0], person_keypoints[1]);
Point full_body_point = new Point(person_keypoints[2], person_keypoints[3]);
// # get RoI
Mat full_body_vector = new Mat(1, 1, CvType.CV_32FC2, new Scalar(mid_hip_point.x - full_body_point.x, mid_hip_point.y - full_body_point.y));
double full_dist = Core.norm(full_body_vector);
OpenCVRect full_bbox_rect = new OpenCVRect(
new Point((float)(mid_hip_point.x - full_dist), (float)(mid_hip_point.y - full_dist)),
new Point((float)(mid_hip_point.x + full_dist), (float)(mid_hip_point.y + full_dist)));
// # enlarge to make sure full body can be cover
Point center_bbox = mid_hip_point;
Point wh_bbox = -;
Point new_half_size = wh_bbox * PERSON_BOX_PRE_ENLARGE_FACTOR / 2;
full_bbox_rect = new OpenCVRect(
center_bbox - new_half_size,
center_bbox + new_half_size);
// Rotate input to have vertically oriented person image
// compute rotation
Mat p1 = person_bbox_and_landmark.row(2); // mid_hip_point
Mat p2 = person_bbox_and_landmark.row(3); // full_body_point
float[] p1_arr = new float[2];
p1.get(0, 0, p1_arr);
float[] p2_arr = new float[2];
p2.get(0, 0, p2_arr);
double radians = Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan2(-(p2_arr[1] - p1_arr[1]), p2_arr[0] - p1_arr[0]);
radians = radians - 2 * Math.PI * Math.Floor((radians + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI));
angle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * radians;
// get rotation matrix
rotation_matrix = Imgproc.getRotationMatrix2D(center_bbox, angle, 1.0);
// # get landmark bounding box
Point _rotated_person_bbox_tl =;
Point _rotated_person_bbox_br =;
rotated_person_bbox = new Mat(2, 2, CvType.CV_64FC1);
rotated_person_bbox.put(0, 0, new double[] { _rotated_person_bbox_tl.x, _rotated_person_bbox_tl.y, _rotated_person_bbox_br.x, _rotated_person_bbox_br.y });
// crop bounding box
int[] diff = new int[] {
Math.Max((int)-_rotated_person_bbox_tl.x, 0),
Math.Max((int)-_rotated_person_bbox_tl.y, 0),
Math.Max((int)_rotated_person_bbox_br.x - tmpRotatedImage.width(), 0),
Math.Max((int)_rotated_person_bbox_br.y - tmpRotatedImage.height(), 0)
Point tl = new Point(_rotated_person_bbox_tl.x + diff[0], _rotated_person_bbox_tl.y + diff[1]);
Point br = new Point(_rotated_person_bbox_br.x + diff[2], _rotated_person_bbox_br.y + diff[3]);
OpenCVRect rotated_person_bbox_rect = new OpenCVRect(tl, br);
OpenCVRect rotated_image_rect = new OpenCVRect(0, 0, tmpRotatedImage.width(), tmpRotatedImage.height());
// get rotated image
OpenCVRect warp_roi_rect = rotated_image_rect.intersect(rotated_person_bbox_rect);
Mat _tmpImage_warp_roi = new Mat(tmpImage, warp_roi_rect);
Mat _tmpRotatedImage_warp_roi = new Mat(tmpRotatedImage, warp_roi_rect);
Point warp_roi_center_palm_bbox = center_bbox -;
Mat warp_roi_rotation_matrix = Imgproc.getRotationMatrix2D(warp_roi_center_palm_bbox, angle, 1.0);
Imgproc.warpAffine(_tmpImage_warp_roi, _tmpRotatedImage_warp_roi, warp_roi_rotation_matrix, _tmpImage_warp_roi.size());
// get rotated_person_bbox-size rotated image
OpenCVRect crop_rect = rotated_image_rect.intersect(
new OpenCVRect(0, 0, (int)_rotated_person_bbox_br.x - (int)_rotated_person_bbox_tl.x, (int)_rotated_person_bbox_br.y - (int)_rotated_person_bbox_tl.y));
Mat _tmpImage_crop_roi = new Mat(tmpImage, crop_rect);
Imgproc.rectangle(_tmpImage_crop_roi, new OpenCVRect(0, 0, _tmpImage_crop_roi.width(), _tmpImage_crop_roi.height()), Scalar.all(0), -1);
OpenCVRect crop2_rect = rotated_image_rect.intersect(new OpenCVRect(diff[0], diff[1], _tmpRotatedImage_warp_roi.width(), _tmpRotatedImage_warp_roi.height()));
Mat _tmpImage_crop2_roi = new Mat(tmpImage, crop2_rect);
if (_tmpRotatedImage_warp_roi.size() == _tmpImage_crop2_roi.size())
Mat blob = Dnn.blobFromImage(_tmpImage_crop_roi, 1.0 / 255.0, input_size, new Scalar(0, 0, 0), true, false, CvType.CV_32F);
Core.transposeND(blob, new MatOfInt(0, 2, 3, 1), blob);
return blob;
public virtual List<Mat> infer(Mat image, Mat person, bool mask = false, bool heatmap = false)
// Preprocess
Mat rotated_person_bbox;
double angle;
Mat rotation_matrix;
Mat pad_bias;
Mat input_blob = preprocess(image, person, out rotated_person_bbox, out angle, out rotation_matrix, out pad_bias);
// Forward
List<Mat> output_blob = new List<Mat>();
pose_estimation_net.forward(output_blob, pose_estimation_net.getUnconnectedOutLayersNames());
// Postprocess
List<Mat> results = new List<Mat>();
Mat box_landmark_conf = postprocess(output_blob, rotated_person_bbox, angle, rotation_matrix, pad_bias, image.size());
if (mask)
Mat invert_rotation_mask = postprocess_mask(output_blob, rotated_person_bbox, angle, rotation_matrix, pad_bias, image.size());
results.Add(new Mat());
if (heatmap)
// # 64*64*39 heatmap: currently only used for refining landmarks, requires sigmod processing before use
// # TODO: refine landmarks with heatmap. reference:
results.Add(output_blob[3].reshape(1, new int[] { 64, 64, 39 }).clone()); // shape: (1, 64, 64, 39) -> (64, 64, 39)
results.Add(new Mat());
for (int i = 0; i < output_blob.Count; i++)
// results[0] = [bbox_coords, landmarks_coords, landmarks_coords_world, conf]
// results[1] = (optional) [invert_rotation_mask]
// results[2] = (optional) [heatmap]
return results;
protected virtual Mat postprocess(List<Mat> output_blob, Mat rotated_person_bbox, double angle, Mat rotation_matrix, Mat pad_bias, Size img_size)
Mat landmarks = output_blob[0];
float conf = (float)output_blob[1].get(0, 0)[0];
Mat landmarks_world = output_blob[4];
if (conf < conf_threshold)
return new Mat();
landmarks = landmarks.reshape(1, 39); // shape: (1, 195) -> (39, 5)
landmarks_world = landmarks_world.reshape(1, 39); // shape: (1, 117) -> (39, 3)
// # recover sigmoid score
Mat _ladmarls_col3_5 = landmarks.colRange(new OpenCVRange(3, 5));
Mat _ladmarks_col0_3 = landmarks.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 3)).clone();
// transform coords back to the input coords
double[] rotated_person_bbox_arr = new double[4];
rotated_person_bbox.get(0, 0, rotated_person_bbox_arr);
Point _rotated_palm_bbox_tl = new Point(rotated_person_bbox_arr[0], rotated_person_bbox_arr[1]);
Point _rotated_palm_bbox_br = new Point(rotated_person_bbox_arr[2], rotated_person_bbox_arr[3]);
Point wh_rotated_person_bbox = _rotated_palm_bbox_br - _rotated_palm_bbox_tl;
Point scale_factor = new Point(wh_rotated_person_bbox.x / input_size.width, wh_rotated_person_bbox.y / input_size.height);
Mat _landmarks_39x1_c3 = _ladmarks_col0_3.reshape(3, 39);
Core.subtract(_landmarks_39x1_c3, new Scalar(input_size.width / 2.0, input_size.height / 2.0, 0.0), _landmarks_39x1_c3);
double max_scale_factor = Math.Max(scale_factor.x, scale_factor.y);
Core.multiply(_landmarks_39x1_c3, new Scalar(scale_factor.x, scale_factor.y, max_scale_factor), _landmarks_39x1_c3); // # depth scaling
_ladmarks_col0_3.copyTo(landmarks.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 3)));
Mat coords_rotation_matrix = Imgproc.getRotationMatrix2D(new Point(0, 0), angle, 1.0);
Mat rotated_landmarks = landmarks.clone();
Mat _a = new Mat(1, 2, CvType.CV_64FC1);
Mat _b = new Mat(1, 2, CvType.CV_64FC1);
float[] _a_arr = new float[2];
double[] _b_arr = new double[6];
coords_rotation_matrix.get(0, 0, _b_arr);
for (int i = 0; i < 39; ++i)
landmarks.get(i, 0, _a_arr);
_a.put(0, 0, new double[] { _a_arr[0], _a_arr[1] });
_b.put(0, 0, new double[] { _b_arr[0], _b_arr[3] });
rotated_landmarks.put(i, 0, new float[] { (float) });
_b.put(0, 0, new double[] { _b_arr[1], _b_arr[4] });
rotated_landmarks.put(i, 1, new float[] { (float) });
Mat rotated_landmarks_world = landmarks_world.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < 39; ++i)
landmarks_world.get(i, 0, _a_arr);
_a.put(0, 0, new double[] { _a_arr[0], _a_arr[1] });
_b.put(0, 0, new double[] { _b_arr[0], _b_arr[3] });
rotated_landmarks_world.put(i, 0, new float[] { (float) });
_b.put(0, 0, new double[] { _b_arr[1], _b_arr[4] });
rotated_landmarks_world.put(i, 1, new float[] { (float) });
// invert rotation
double[] rotation_matrix_arr = new double[6];
rotation_matrix.get(0, 0, rotation_matrix_arr);
Mat rotation_component = new Mat(2, 2, CvType.CV_64FC1);
rotation_component.put(0, 0, new double[] { rotation_matrix_arr[0], rotation_matrix_arr[3], rotation_matrix_arr[1], rotation_matrix_arr[4] });
Mat translation_component = new Mat(2, 1, CvType.CV_64FC1);
translation_component.put(0, 0, new double[] { rotation_matrix_arr[2], rotation_matrix_arr[5] });
Mat inverted_translation = new Mat(2, 1, CvType.CV_64FC1);
inverted_translation.put(0, 0, new double[] { -rotation_component.row(0).dot(translation_component.reshape(1, 1)), -rotation_component.row(1).dot(translation_component.reshape(1, 1)) });
Mat inverse_rotation_matrix = new Mat(2, 3, CvType.CV_64FC1);
rotation_component.copyTo(inverse_rotation_matrix.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 2)));
inverted_translation.copyTo(inverse_rotation_matrix.colRange(new OpenCVRange(2, 3)));
// get box center
Mat center = new Mat(3, 1, CvType.CV_64FC1);
center.put(0, 0, new double[] { (rotated_person_bbox_arr[0] + rotated_person_bbox_arr[2]) / 2.0, (rotated_person_bbox_arr[1] + rotated_person_bbox_arr[3]) / 2.0, 1.0 });
Mat original_center = new Mat(2, 1, CvType.CV_64FC1);
original_center.put(0, 0, new double[] { inverse_rotation_matrix.row(0).dot(center.reshape(1, 1)), inverse_rotation_matrix.row(1).dot(center.reshape(1, 1)) });
Mat _rotated_landmarks_col0_3 = rotated_landmarks.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 3)).clone();
Core.add(_rotated_landmarks_col0_3.reshape(3, 39)
, new Scalar(original_center.get(0, 0)[0] + pad_bias.get(0, 0)[0], original_center.get(1, 0)[0] + pad_bias.get(1, 0)[0], 0.0)
, _ladmarks_col0_3.reshape(3, 39));
_rotated_landmarks_col0_3.copyTo(rotated_landmarks.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 3)));
_ladmarks_col0_3.copyTo(landmarks.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 3)));
// get bounding box from rotated_landmarks
Point[] landmarks_points = new Point[39];
for (int i = 0; i < 39; ++i)
landmarks.get(i, 0, _a_arr);
landmarks_points[i] = new Point(_a_arr[0], _a_arr[1]);
MatOfPoint points = new MatOfPoint(landmarks_points);
OpenCVRect bbox = Imgproc.boundingRect(points);
Point center_bbox = ( + / 2;
Point wh_bbox = -;
Point new_half_size = wh_bbox * PERSON_BOX_ENLARGE_FACTOR / 2;
bbox = new OpenCVRect(
center_bbox - new_half_size,
center_bbox + new_half_size);
// # [0: 4]: person bounding box found in image of format [x1, y1, x2, y2] (top-left and bottom-right points)
// # [4: 199]: screen landmarks with format [x1, y1, z1, v1, p1, x2, y2 ... x39, y39, z39, v39, p39], z value is relative to HIP
// # [199: 316]: world landmarks with format [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2 ... x39, y39, z39], 3D metric x, y, z coordinate
// # [316]: confidence
Mat results = new Mat(317, 1, CvType.CV_32FC1);
results.put(0, 0, new float[] { (float), (float), (float), (float) });
Mat results_col4_199_39x5 = results.rowRange(new OpenCVRange(4, 199)).reshape(1, 39);
landmarks.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 5)).copyTo(results_col4_199_39x5);
Mat results_col199_316_39x3 = results.rowRange(new OpenCVRange(199, 316)).reshape(1, 39);
rotated_landmarks_world.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 3)).copyTo(results_col199_316_39x3);
results.put(316, 0, new float[] { conf });
// # 2*2 person bbox: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]
// # 39*5 screen landmarks: 33 keypoints and 6 auxiliary points with [x, y, z, visibility, presence], z value is relative to HIP
// # Visibility is probability that a keypoint is located within the frame and not occluded by another bigger body part or another object
// # Presence is probability that a keypoint is located within the frame
// # 39*3 world landmarks: 33 keypoints and 6 auxiliary points with [x, y, z] 3D metric x, y, z coordinate
// # conf: confidence of prediction
return results;
protected virtual Mat postprocess_mask(List<Mat> output_blob, Mat rotated_person_bbox, double angle, Mat rotation_matrix, Mat pad_bias, Size img_size)
Mat mask = output_blob[2];
mask = mask.reshape(1, 256); // shape: (1, 256, 256, 1) -> (256, 256)
if (mask_warp == null)
mask_warp = new Mat(mask.size(), CvType.CV_32FC1);
if (invert_rotation_mask_32F == null)
invert_rotation_mask_32F = new Mat(img_size, CvType.CV_32FC1, new Scalar(0));
if (invert_rotation_mask_32F.width() != img_size.width || invert_rotation_mask_32F.height() != img_size.height)
invert_rotation_mask_32F.create(img_size, CvType.CV_32FC1);
Imgproc.rectangle(invert_rotation_mask_32F, new OpenCVRect(0, 0, invert_rotation_mask_32F.width(), invert_rotation_mask_32F.height()), Scalar.all(0), -1);
// # invert rotation for mask
double[] rotated_person_bbox_arr = new double[4];
rotated_person_bbox.get(0, 0, rotated_person_bbox_arr);
Point _rotated_person_bbox_tl = new Point(rotated_person_bbox_arr[0] + pad_bias.get(0, 0)[0], rotated_person_bbox_arr[1] + pad_bias.get(1, 0)[0]);
Point _rotated_person_bbox_br = new Point(rotated_person_bbox_arr[2] + pad_bias.get(0, 0)[0], rotated_person_bbox_arr[3] + pad_bias.get(1, 0)[0]);
Mat invert_rotation_matrix = Imgproc.getRotationMatrix2D(new Point(mask.width() / 2, mask.height() / 2), -angle, 1.0);
Imgproc.warpAffine(mask, mask_warp, invert_rotation_matrix, mask.size());
// create invert_rotation_mask (32F)
// crop bounding box
int[] diff = new int[] {
Math.Max((int)-_rotated_person_bbox_tl.x, 0),
Math.Max((int)-_rotated_person_bbox_tl.y, 0),
Math.Max((int)_rotated_person_bbox_br.x - invert_rotation_mask_32F.width(), 0),
Math.Max((int)_rotated_person_bbox_br.y - invert_rotation_mask_32F.height(), 0)
Point wh_rotated_person_bbox = _rotated_person_bbox_br - _rotated_person_bbox_tl;
Point scale_factor = new Point(wh_rotated_person_bbox.x / input_size.width, wh_rotated_person_bbox.y / input_size.height);
int x = (int)Math.Round(diff[0] / scale_factor.x);
int y = (int)Math.Round(diff[1] / scale_factor.y);
int w = Math.Min((int)Math.Round((wh_rotated_person_bbox.x - diff[0] - diff[2]) / scale_factor.x), mask_warp.width());
int h = Math.Min((int)Math.Round((wh_rotated_person_bbox.y - diff[1] - diff[3]) / scale_factor.y), mask_warp.height());
OpenCVRect mask_warp_crop_rect = new OpenCVRect(x, y, w, h);
Mat _mask_warp_crop_roi = new Mat(mask_warp, mask_warp_crop_rect);
OpenCVRect rotated_person_bbox_rect = new OpenCVRect(_rotated_person_bbox_tl, _rotated_person_bbox_br);
OpenCVRect invert_rotation_mask_32F_rect = new OpenCVRect(0, 0, invert_rotation_mask_32F.width(), invert_rotation_mask_32F.height());
OpenCVRect invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_rect = invert_rotation_mask_32F_rect.intersect(rotated_person_bbox_rect);
Mat _invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_roi = new Mat(invert_rotation_mask_32F, invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_rect);
Imgproc.resize(_mask_warp_crop_roi, _invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_roi,
new Size(_invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_roi.width(), _invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_roi.height()));
// # binarize mask
Imgproc.threshold(_invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_roi, _invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_roi, 0, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY);
// create invert_rotation_mask (8U)
Mat invert_rotation_mask = new Mat(img_size, CvType.CV_8UC1, new Scalar(0));
Mat _invert_rotation_mask_crop_roi = new Mat(invert_rotation_mask, invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_rect);
_invert_rotation_mask_32F_crop_roi.convertTo(_invert_rotation_mask_crop_roi, CvType.CV_8U);
// # img_size.width*img_size.height img_height*img_width mask: gray mask, where 255 indicates the full body of a person and 0 means background
return invert_rotation_mask;
public virtual void visualize(Mat image, Mat results, bool print_results = false, bool isRGB = false)
if (image.IsDisposed)
if (results.empty() || results.rows() < 317)
StringBuilder sb = null;
if (print_results)
sb = new StringBuilder();
Scalar line_color = new Scalar(255, 255, 255, 255);
Scalar point_color = (isRGB) ? new Scalar(255, 0, 0, 255) : new Scalar(0, 0, 255, 255);
float[] conf = new float[1];
results.get(316, 0, conf);
float[] bbox = new float[4];
results.get(0, 0, bbox);
int auxiliary_points_num = 6;
Mat results_col4_199_39x5 = results.rowRange(new OpenCVRange(4, 199 - (5 * auxiliary_points_num))).reshape(1, 39 - auxiliary_points_num);
float[] landmarks_screen_xy = new float[(39 - auxiliary_points_num) * 2];
results_col4_199_39x5.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 2)).get(0, 0, landmarks_screen_xy);
float[] landmarks_screen_xyz = new float[(39 - auxiliary_points_num) * 3];
results_col4_199_39x5.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 3)).get(0, 0, landmarks_screen_xyz);
// # only show visible keypoints which presence bigger than 0.8
float[] landmarks_presence = new float[(39 - auxiliary_points_num)];
results_col4_199_39x5.colRange(new OpenCVRange(4, 5)).get(0, 0, landmarks_presence);
Mat results_col199_316_39x3 = results.rowRange(new OpenCVRange(199, 316 - (3 * auxiliary_points_num))).reshape(1, 39 - auxiliary_points_num);
float[] landmarks_world = new float[(39 - auxiliary_points_num) * 3];
results_col199_316_39x3.get(0, 0, landmarks_world);
// # draw box
Imgproc.rectangle(image, new Point(bbox[0], bbox[1]), new Point(bbox[2], bbox[3]), new Scalar(0, 255, 0, 255), 2);
Imgproc.putText(image, String.Format("{0:0.0000}", conf[0]), new Point(bbox[0], bbox[1] + 12), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, point_color);
// # Draw line between each key points
draw_lines(landmarks_screen_xy, landmarks_presence, false);
// # z value is relative to HIP, but we use constant to instead
for (int j = 0; j < landmarks_screen_xyz.Length / 3; ++j)
int idx = j * 3;
if (landmarks_presence[j] > 0.8), new Point(landmarks_screen_xyz[idx], landmarks_screen_xyz[idx + 1]), 2, point_color, -1);
// Print results
if (print_results)
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("conf: {0:0.00}", conf[0]));
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("person box: {0:0} {1:0} {2:0} {3:0}", bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]));
sb.AppendLine("pose landmarks: ");
foreach (var p in landmarks_screen_xyz)
sb.Append(String.Format("{0:0} ", p));
sb.AppendLine("pose world landmarks: ");
foreach (var p in landmarks_world)
sb.Append(String.Format("{0:0.000000} ", p));
if (print_results)
void draw_lines(float[] landmarks, float[] _landmarks_presence, bool is_draw_point = true, int thickness = 2)
void _draw_by_presence(int idx1, int idx2)
if (_landmarks_presence[idx1] > 0.8 && _landmarks_presence[idx2] > 0.8)
idx1 = idx1 * 2;
idx2 = idx2 * 2;
Imgproc.line(image, new Point(landmarks[idx1], landmarks[idx1 + 1]), new Point(landmarks[idx2], landmarks[idx2 + 1]), line_color, thickness);
// Draw line between each key points
_draw_by_presence(0, 1);
_draw_by_presence(1, 2);
_draw_by_presence(2, 3);
_draw_by_presence(3, 7);
_draw_by_presence(0, 4);
_draw_by_presence(4, 5);
_draw_by_presence(5, 6);
_draw_by_presence(6, 8);
_draw_by_presence(9, 10);
_draw_by_presence(12, 14);
_draw_by_presence(14, 16);
_draw_by_presence(16, 22);
_draw_by_presence(16, 18);
_draw_by_presence(16, 20);
_draw_by_presence(18, 20);
_draw_by_presence(11, 13);
_draw_by_presence(13, 15);
_draw_by_presence(15, 21);
_draw_by_presence(15, 19);
_draw_by_presence(15, 17);
_draw_by_presence(17, 19);
_draw_by_presence(11, 12);
_draw_by_presence(11, 23);
_draw_by_presence(23, 24);
_draw_by_presence(24, 12);
_draw_by_presence(24, 26);
_draw_by_presence(26, 28);
_draw_by_presence(28, 30);
_draw_by_presence(28, 32);
_draw_by_presence(30, 32);
_draw_by_presence(23, 25);
_draw_by_presence(25, 27);
_draw_by_presence(27, 31);
_draw_by_presence(27, 29);
_draw_by_presence(29, 31);
if (is_draw_point)
for (int j = 0; j < landmarks.Length / 2; ++j)
int idx = j * 2;
if (_landmarks_presence[j] > 0.8), new Point(landmarks[idx], landmarks[idx + 1]), 2, point_color, -1);
public virtual void visualize_mask(Mat image, Mat mask, bool isRGB = false)
if (image.IsDisposed)
if (mask.empty())
if (image.size() != mask.size() && mask.type() == CvType.CV_8UC1)
Scalar color = new Scalar(0, 255, 0, 255);
Imgproc.Canny(mask, mask, 100, 200);
Mat kernel = Mat.ones(2, 2, CvType.CV_8UC1);// # expansion edge to 2 pixels
Imgproc.dilate(mask, mask, kernel, new Point(), 1);
if (colorMat == null)
colorMat = new Mat(image.size(), image.type(), color);
if (colorMat.width() != image.width() || colorMat.height() != image.height())
colorMat.create(image.size(), image.type());
Imgproc.rectangle(colorMat, new OpenCVRect(0, 0, colorMat.width(), colorMat.height()), color, -1);
colorMat.copyTo(image, mask);
public virtual void dispose()
if (pose_estimation_net != null)
if (tmpImage != null)
if (tmpRotatedImage != null)
if (mask_warp != null)
if (invert_rotation_mask_32F != null)
mask_warp = null;
invert_rotation_mask_32F = null;
if (colorMat != null)
colorMat = null;
protected virtual void sigmoid(Mat mat)
if (mat == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("mat");
if (mat != null)
//python: 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
Core.multiply(mat, Scalar.all(-1), mat);
Core.exp(mat, mat);
Core.add(mat, Scalar.all(1f), mat);
using (Mat _mat = new Mat(mat.size(), mat.type(), Scalar.all(1f)))
Core.divide(_mat, mat, mat);