545 lines
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545 lines
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#if !UNITY_WSA_10_0
using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.DnnModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.ImgprocModule;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using OpenCVRange = OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.Range;
using OpenCVRect = OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.Rect;
namespace OpenCVForUnityExample.DnnModel
/// <summary>
/// Referring to https://github.com/opencv/opencv_zoo/tree/master/models/object_detection_yolox
/// https://github.com/Megvii-BaseDetection/YOLOX
/// https://github.com/Megvii-BaseDetection/YOLOX/tree/main/demo/ONNXRuntime
/// </summary>
public class YOLOXObjectDetector
Size input_size;
float conf_threshold;
float nms_threshold;
int topK;
int backend;
int target;
int num_classes = 80;
bool class_agnostic = false;// Non-use of multi-class NMS
Net object_detection_net;
Mat grids;
Mat expanded_strides;
int[] strides = new int[] { 8, 16, 32 };
List<string> classNames;
List<Scalar> palette;
Mat maxSizeImg;
Mat pickup_blob_numx6;
Mat boxesMat;
Mat boxes_m_c4;
Mat confidences_m;
Mat class_ids_m;
MatOfRect2d boxes;
MatOfFloat confidences;
MatOfInt class_ids;
public YOLOXObjectDetector(string modelFilepath, string configFilepath, string classesFilepath, Size inputSize, float confThreshold = 0.25f, float nmsThreshold = 0.45f, int topK = 1000, int backend = Dnn.DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV, int target = Dnn.DNN_TARGET_CPU)
// initialize
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelFilepath))
object_detection_net = Dnn.readNet(modelFilepath, configFilepath);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(classesFilepath))
classNames = readClassNames(classesFilepath);
num_classes = classNames.Count;
input_size = new Size(inputSize.width > 0 ? inputSize.width : 416, inputSize.height > 0 ? inputSize.height : 416);
conf_threshold = Mathf.Clamp01(confThreshold);
nms_threshold = Mathf.Clamp01(nmsThreshold);
this.topK = topK;
this.backend = backend;
this.target = target;
generateAnchors(out grids, out expanded_strides);
palette = new List<Scalar>();
palette.Add(new Scalar(255, 56, 56, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(255, 157, 151, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(255, 112, 31, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(255, 178, 29, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(207, 210, 49, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(72, 249, 10, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(146, 204, 23, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(61, 219, 134, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(26, 147, 52, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(0, 212, 187, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(44, 153, 168, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(0, 194, 255, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(52, 69, 147, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(100, 115, 255, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(0, 24, 236, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(132, 56, 255, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(82, 0, 133, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(203, 56, 255, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(255, 149, 200, 255));
palette.Add(new Scalar(255, 55, 199, 255));
protected virtual Mat preprocess(Mat image)
// Add padding to make it square.
// (padding on the bottom and right side)
int max = Mathf.Max(image.cols(), image.rows());
if (maxSizeImg == null)
maxSizeImg = new Mat(max, max, image.type(), Scalar.all(114));
if (maxSizeImg.width() != max || maxSizeImg.height() != max)
maxSizeImg.create(max, max, image.type());
Imgproc.rectangle(maxSizeImg, new OpenCVRect(0, 0, maxSizeImg.width(), maxSizeImg.height()), Scalar.all(114), -1);
Mat _maxSizeImg_roi = new Mat(maxSizeImg, new OpenCVRect(0, 0, image.cols(), image.rows()));
// Create a 4D blob from a frame.
Mat blob = Dnn.blobFromImage(maxSizeImg, 1.0, input_size, Scalar.all(0), true, false, CvType.CV_32F); // HWC to NCHW, BGR to RGB
return blob;// [1, 3, h, w]
public virtual Mat infer(Mat image)
// cheack
if (image.channels() != 3)
Debug.Log("The input image must be in BGR format.");
return new Mat();
// Preprocess
Mat input_blob = preprocess(image);
// Forward
List<Mat> output_blob = new List<Mat>();
object_detection_net.forward(output_blob, object_detection_net.getUnconnectedOutLayersNames());
// Postprocess
Mat results = postprocess(output_blob[0], image.size());
// scale_boxes
float maxSize = Mathf.Max((float)image.size().width, (float)image.size().height);
float x_factor = maxSize / (float)input_size.width;
float y_factor = maxSize / (float)input_size.height;
for (int i = 0; i < results.rows(); ++i)
float[] results_arr = new float[4];
results.get(i, 0, results_arr);
float x1 = Mathf.Round(results_arr[0] * x_factor);
float y1 = Mathf.Round(results_arr[1] * y_factor);
float x2 = Mathf.Round(results_arr[2] * x_factor);
float y2 = Mathf.Round(results_arr[3] * y_factor);
results.put(i, 0, new float[] { x1, y1, x2, y2 });
for (int i = 0; i < output_blob.Count; i++)
return results;
protected virtual Mat postprocess(Mat output_blob, Size original_shape)
Mat output_blob_0 = output_blob;
if (output_blob_0.size(2) < 5 + num_classes)
return new Mat();
int num = output_blob_0.size(1);
Mat output_blob_numx85 = output_blob_0.reshape(1, num);
Mat box_delta = output_blob_numx85.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 4));
Mat confidence = output_blob_numx85.colRange(new OpenCVRange(4, 5));
Mat classes_scores_delta = output_blob_numx85.colRange(new OpenCVRange(5, 5 + num_classes));
Mat cxy_delta = box_delta.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 2));
Mat wh_delta = box_delta.colRange(new OpenCVRange(2, 4));
Mat grids_numx2 = grids.reshape(1, num);//num*2*CV_32FC1
Mat expanded_strides_numx2 = expanded_strides.reshape(1, num);//num*2*CV_32FC1
Core.add(cxy_delta, grids_numx2, cxy_delta);
Core.multiply(cxy_delta, expanded_strides_numx2, cxy_delta);
Core.exp(wh_delta, wh_delta);
Core.multiply(wh_delta, expanded_strides_numx2, wh_delta);
// pre-NMS
// Pick up rows to process by conf_threshold value and calculate scores and class_ids.
if (pickup_blob_numx6 == null)
pickup_blob_numx6 = new Mat(300, 6, CvType.CV_32FC1, new Scalar(0));
Imgproc.rectangle(pickup_blob_numx6, new OpenCVRect(4, 0, 1, pickup_blob_numx6.rows()), Scalar.all(0), -1);
float[] conf_arr = new float[num];
confidence.get(0, 0, conf_arr);
int ind = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
float conf = conf_arr[i];
if (conf > conf_threshold)
if (ind > pickup_blob_numx6.rows())
Mat _conf_blob_numx6 = new Mat(pickup_blob_numx6.rows() * 2, pickup_blob_numx6.cols(), pickup_blob_numx6.type(), new Scalar(0));
pickup_blob_numx6.copyTo(_conf_blob_numx6.rowRange(0, pickup_blob_numx6.rows()));
pickup_blob_numx6 = _conf_blob_numx6;
float[] box_arr = new float[4];
box_delta.get(i, 0, box_arr);
Mat cls_scores = classes_scores_delta.row(i);
Core.MinMaxLocResult minmax = Core.minMaxLoc(cls_scores);
pickup_blob_numx6.put(ind, 0, new float[] { box_arr[0], box_arr[1], box_arr[2], box_arr[3], ((float)minmax.maxVal * conf), (float)minmax.maxLoc.x });
int num_pickup = pickup_blob_numx6.rows();
Mat pickup_box_delta = pickup_blob_numx6.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 4));
Mat pickup_confidence = pickup_blob_numx6.colRange(new OpenCVRange(4, 5));
// Convert boxes from [cx, cy, w, h] to [x, y, w, h] where Rect2d data style.
if (boxesMat == null || boxesMat.rows() != num_pickup)
boxesMat = new Mat(num_pickup, 4, CvType.CV_32FC1);
Mat pickup_cxy_delta = pickup_box_delta.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 2));
Mat pickup_wh_delta = pickup_box_delta.colRange(new OpenCVRange(2, 4));
Mat pickup_xy1 = boxesMat.colRange(new OpenCVRange(0, 2));
Mat pickup_xy2 = boxesMat.colRange(new OpenCVRange(2, 4));
Core.divide(pickup_wh_delta, new Scalar(2.0), pickup_wh_delta);
Core.subtract(pickup_cxy_delta, pickup_wh_delta, pickup_xy1);
if (boxes_m_c4 == null || boxes_m_c4.rows() != num_pickup)
boxes_m_c4 = new Mat(num_pickup, 1, CvType.CV_64FC4);
if (confidences_m == null || confidences_m.rows() != num_pickup)
confidences_m = new Mat(num_pickup, 1, CvType.CV_32FC1);
if (boxes == null || boxes.rows() != num_pickup)
boxes = new MatOfRect2d(boxes_m_c4);
if (confidences == null || confidences.rows() != num_pickup)
confidences = new MatOfFloat(confidences_m);
// non-maximum suppression
Mat boxes_m_c1 = boxes_m_c4.reshape(1, num_pickup);
boxesMat.convertTo(boxes_m_c1, CvType.CV_64F);
MatOfInt indices = new MatOfInt();
if (class_agnostic)
// NMS
Dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, conf_threshold, nms_threshold, indices, 1f, topK);
Mat pickup_class_ids = pickup_blob_numx6.colRange(new OpenCVRange(5, 6));
if (class_ids_m == null || class_ids_m.rows() != num_pickup)
class_ids_m = new Mat(num_pickup, 1, CvType.CV_32SC1);
if (class_ids == null || class_ids.rows() != num_pickup)
class_ids = new MatOfInt(class_ids_m);
pickup_class_ids.convertTo(class_ids_m, CvType.CV_32S);
// multi-class NMS
Dnn.NMSBoxesBatched(boxes, confidences, class_ids, conf_threshold, nms_threshold, indices, 1f, topK);
Mat results = new Mat(indices.rows(), 6, CvType.CV_32FC1);
for (int i = 0; i < indices.rows(); ++i)
int idx = (int)indices.get(i, 0)[0];
float[] bbox_arr = new float[4];
boxesMat.get(idx, 0, bbox_arr);
float x = bbox_arr[0];
float y = bbox_arr[1];
float w = bbox_arr[2];
float h = bbox_arr[3];
results.put(i, 0, new float[] { x, y, x + w, y + h });
// [
// [xyxy, conf, cls]
// ...
// [xyxy, conf, cls]
// ]
return results;
public virtual void visualize(Mat image, Mat results, bool print_results = false, bool isRGB = false)
if (image.IsDisposed)
if (results.empty() || results.cols() < 6)
for (int i = results.rows() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
float[] box = new float[4];
results.get(i, 0, box);
float[] conf = new float[1];
results.get(i, 4, conf);
float[] cls = new float[1];
results.get(i, 5, cls);
float left = box[0];
float top = box[1];
float right = box[2];
float bottom = box[3];
int classId = (int)cls[0];
Scalar c = palette[classId % palette.Count];
Scalar color = isRGB ? c : new Scalar(c.val[2], c.val[1], c.val[0], c.val[3]);
Imgproc.rectangle(image, new Point(left, top), new Point(right, bottom), color, 2);
string label = String.Format("{0:0.00}", conf[0]);
if (classNames != null && classNames.Count != 0)
if (classId < (int)classNames.Count)
label = classNames[classId] + " " + label;
int[] baseLine = new int[1];
Size labelSize = Imgproc.getTextSize(label, Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1, baseLine);
top = Mathf.Max((float)top, (float)labelSize.height);
Imgproc.rectangle(image, new Point(left, top - labelSize.height),
new Point(left + labelSize.width, top + baseLine[0]), color, Core.FILLED);
Imgproc.putText(image, label, new Point(left, top), Imgproc.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, Scalar.all(255), 1, Imgproc.LINE_AA);
// Print results
if (print_results)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < results.rows(); ++i)
float[] box = new float[4];
results.get(i, 0, box);
float[] conf = new float[1];
results.get(i, 4, conf);
float[] cls = new float[1];
results.get(i, 5, cls);
int classId = (int)cls[0];
string label = String.Format("{0:0}", cls[0]);
if (classNames != null && classNames.Count != 0)
if (classId < (int)classNames.Count)
label = classNames[classId] + " " + label;
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("-----------object {0}-----------", i + 1));
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("conf: {0:0.0000}", conf[0]));
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("cls: {0:0}", label));
sb.AppendLine(String.Format("box: {0:0} {1:0} {2:0} {3:0}", box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]));
public virtual void dispose()
if (object_detection_net != null)
if (maxSizeImg != null)
maxSizeImg = null;
if (pickup_blob_numx6 != null)
if (boxesMat != null)
pickup_blob_numx6 = null;
boxesMat = null;
if (boxes_m_c4 != null)
if (confidences_m != null)
if (class_ids_m != null)
if (boxes != null)
if (confidences != null)
if (class_ids != null)
boxes_m_c4 = null;
confidences_m = null;
class_ids_m = null;
boxes = null;
confidences = null;
class_ids = null;
protected virtual void generateAnchors(out Mat grids, out Mat expanded_strides)
int num = 0;
int[] hsizes = new int[strides.Length];// stride for stride in self.strides
int[] wsizes = new int[strides.Length];// stride for stride in self.strides
for (int i = 0; i < strides.Length; i++)
hsizes[i] = (int)(input_size.height / strides[i]);
wsizes[i] = (int)(input_size.width / strides[i]);
num += hsizes[i] * wsizes[i];
grids = new Mat(new int[] { 1, num, 2 }, CvType.CV_32FC1);
expanded_strides = new Mat(new int[] { 1, num, 2 }, CvType.CV_32FC1);
Mat grids_numx2 = grids.reshape(1, num);//num*2*CV_32FC1
Mat expanded_strides_numx2 = expanded_strides.reshape(1, num);//num*2*CV_32FC1
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strides.Length; i++)
int hsize = hsizes[i];
int wsize = wsizes[i];
int stride = strides[i];
// #xv, yv = np.meshgrid(np.arange(hsize), np.arange(wsize))
Mat h_arange = arange(0, hsize);
Mat w_arange = arange(0, wsize).t();
Mat xv = new Mat(hsize, hsize, CvType.CV_32FC1);
tile(h_arange, hsize, 1, xv);
Mat yv = new Mat(wsize, wsize, CvType.CV_32FC1);
tile(w_arange, 1, wsize, yv);
// #grid = np.stack((xv, yv), 2).reshape(1, -1, 2)
// #self.grids.append(grid)
Mat xv_totalx1 = xv.reshape(1, (int)xv.total());//total*1*CV_32FC1
Mat grid_roi = new Mat(grids_numx2, new OpenCVRect(0, index, 1, (int)xv.total()));//total*1*CV_32FC1
Mat yv_totalx1 = yv.reshape(1, (int)yv.total());//total*1*CV_32FC1
grid_roi = new Mat(grids_numx2, new OpenCVRect(1, index, 1, (int)yv.total()));//total*1*CV_32FC1
// #shap = e = grid.shape[:2]
// #self.expanded_strides.append(np.full((*shape, 1), stride))
int shape = hsize * wsize;
Mat expanded_strides_roi = expanded_strides_numx2.rowRange(index, index + shape);
Imgproc.rectangle(expanded_strides_roi, new OpenCVRect(0, 0, 2, shape), Scalar.all(stride));
index += hsize * wsize;
private Mat arange(int start, int stop)
if (start < 0 || stop < 0 || stop < start || stop == start)
throw new ArgumentException("start < 0 || stop < 0 || stop < start || stop == start");
float[] data = Enumerable.Range(start, stop).Select(i => (float)i).ToArray();
Mat dst = new Mat(1, stop - start, CvType.CV_32FC1);
dst.put(0, 0, data);
return dst;
private void tile(Mat a, int ny, int nx, Mat dst)
if (a == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("a");
if (a != null)
if (dst == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("dst");
if (dst != null)
if (dst.rows() != a.rows() * ny || dst.cols() != a.cols() * nx || dst.type() != a.type())
throw new ArgumentException("dst.rows() != a.rows() * ny || dst.cols() != a.cols() * nx || dst.type() != a.type()");
Core.repeat(a, ny, nx, dst);
protected virtual List<string> readClassNames(string filename)
List<string> classNames = new List<string>();
System.IO.StreamReader cReader = null;
cReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename, System.Text.Encoding.Default);
while (cReader.Peek() >= 0)
string name = cReader.ReadLine();
catch (System.Exception ex)
return null;
if (cReader != null)
return classNames;
#endif |