688 lines
24 KiB
688 lines
24 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
//using Unity.IL2CPP.CompilerServices;
using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.ImgprocModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils;
using OpenCVForUnity.UtilsModule;
namespace OpenCVForUnityExample
/// <summary>
/// Alpha Blending Example
/// An example of alpha blending in multiple ways.
/// ### How to speed up pixel array access. (optional) ###
/// # IL2CPP Compiler options:
/// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.ArrayBoundsChecks, false)]
/// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, false)]
/// The runtime checks can be enabled or disabled in C# code using the Il2CppSetOptions attribute. To use this attribute,
/// find the Il2CppSetOptionsAttribute.cs source file in the IL2CPP directory in the Unity Editor installation on your computer.
/// (Data\il2cpp on Windows, Contents/Frameworks/il2cpp on OS X). Copy this source file into the Assets folder in your project.
/// https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/IL2CPP-CompilerOptions.html
/// To use these options, need to uncomment the code that enables the feature.
/// # Pointer acccess. (use -unsafe):
/// (Unity version 2018.1 or later)
/// Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe. Enable "Allow 'unsafe' code" in Player Settings.
/// (older version)
/// Unsafe code requires the `unsafe' command-line option to be specified.
/// You need to add a file "smcs.rsp" (or "gmcs.rsp") in your "Assets" directory, which contains the line: -unsafe
/// https://answers.unity.com/questions/804103/how-to-enable-unsafe-and-use-pointers.html
/// To use this example, need to add "OPENCV_USE_UNSAFE_CODE" to Scripting Define Symbols in Player Settings.
/// ######
/// </summary>
public class AlphaBlendingExample : MonoBehaviour
public enum ImageSize
/// <summary>
/// The image size.
/// </summary>
public ImageSize imageSize = ImageSize.Original;
/// <summary>
/// The count dropdown.
/// </summary>
public Dropdown imageSizeDropdown;
/// <summary>
/// The count.
/// </summary>
public int count = 100;
/// <summary>
/// The image size dropdown.
/// </summary>
public Dropdown countDropdown;
public MeshRenderer fgQuad;
public MeshRenderer bgQuad;
public MeshRenderer alphaQuad;
public MeshRenderer dstQuad;
Texture2D fgTex;
Texture2D bgTex;
Texture2D alphaTex;
Texture2D dstTex;
Mat fgMat;
Mat bgMat;
Mat alphaMat;
Mat dstMat;
Mat fgMatLarge;
Mat bgMatLarge;
Mat alphaMatLarge;
Mat dstMatLarge;
Mat fgMatROI;
Mat bgMatROI;
Mat alphaMatROI;
Mat dstMatROI;
Mat _fgMat;
Mat _bgMat;
Mat _alphaMat;
Mat _dstMat;
/// <summary>
/// The FPS monitor.
/// </summary>
FpsMonitor fpsMonitor;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
fpsMonitor = GetComponent<FpsMonitor>();
imageSizeDropdown.value = (int)imageSize;
countDropdown.value = 2;
fgTex = Resources.Load("face") as Texture2D;
bgTex = new Texture2D(fgTex.width, fgTex.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
alphaTex = new Texture2D(fgTex.width, fgTex.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
dstTex = new Texture2D(fgTex.width, fgTex.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
fgMat = new Mat(fgTex.height, fgTex.width, CvType.CV_8UC3);
bgMat = new Mat(fgTex.height, fgTex.width, CvType.CV_8UC3);
alphaMat = new Mat(fgTex.height, fgTex.width, CvType.CV_8UC1);
dstMat = new Mat(fgTex.height, fgTex.width, CvType.CV_8UC3, new Scalar(0, 0, 0));
// Generate fgMat.
Utils.texture2DToMat(fgTex, fgMat);
// Generate bgMat.
Core.flip(fgMat, bgMat, 1);
Core.bitwise_not(bgMat, bgMat);
// Generate alphaMat.
for (int r = 0; r < alphaMat.rows(); r++)
alphaMat.row(r).setTo(new Scalar(r / (alphaMat.rows() / 256)));
#pragma warning disable 0618
Imgproc.linearPolar(alphaMat, alphaMat, new Point(alphaMat.cols() / 2, alphaMat.rows() / 2), alphaMat.rows(), Imgproc.INTER_CUBIC | Imgproc.WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS | Imgproc.WARP_INVERSE_MAP);
#pragma warning restore 0618
// Generate large size Mat.
fgMatLarge = new Mat();
bgMatLarge = new Mat();
alphaMatLarge = new Mat();
dstMatLarge = new Mat();
Imgproc.resize(fgMat, fgMatLarge, new Size(), 2, 2, 0);
Imgproc.resize(bgMat, bgMatLarge, new Size(), 2, 2, 0);
Imgproc.resize(alphaMat, alphaMatLarge, new Size(), 2, 2, 0);
Imgproc.resize(dstMat, dstMatLarge, new Size(), 2, 2, 0);
// Generate small size Mat (ROI).
OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.Rect rect = new OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule.Rect(127, 127, 256, 256);
fgMatROI = new Mat(fgMat, rect);
bgMatROI = new Mat(bgMat, rect);
alphaMatROI = new Mat(alphaMat, rect);
dstMatROI = new Mat(dstMat, rect);
Utils.matToTexture2D(fgMat, fgTex, true, 0, true);
Utils.matToTexture2D(bgMat, bgTex, true, 0, true);
Utils.matToTexture2D(alphaMat, alphaTex, true, 0, true);
Utils.matToTexture2D(dstMat, dstTex, true, 0, true);
fgQuad.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = fgTex;
bgQuad.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = bgTex;
alphaQuad.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = alphaTex;
dstQuad.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = dstTex;
private IEnumerator AlphaBlending(Action action, int count = 100)
dstMat.setTo(new Scalar(0, 0, 0));
Utils.matToTexture2D(dstMat, dstTex);
yield return null;
switch (imageSize)
case ImageSize.Original:
_fgMat = fgMat;
_bgMat = bgMat;
_alphaMat = alphaMat;
_dstMat = dstMat;
case ImageSize.Large:
_fgMat = fgMatLarge;
_bgMat = bgMatLarge;
_alphaMat = alphaMatLarge;
_dstMat = dstMatLarge;
case ImageSize.Small:
_fgMat = fgMatROI;
_bgMat = bgMatROI;
_alphaMat = alphaMatROI;
_dstMat = dstMatROI;
long ms = time(action, count);
if (imageSize == ImageSize.Large)
Imgproc.resize(dstMatLarge, dstMat, new Size(), 1.0 / 2.0, 1.0 / 2.0, 0);
Utils.matToTexture2D(dstMat, dstTex);
if (fpsMonitor != null)
fpsMonitor.consoleText = imageSize + " : " + count + " : " + ms + " ms";
Debug.Log(imageSize + " : " + count + " : " + ms + " ms");
if (fpsMonitor != null)
fpsMonitor.consoleText = imageSize + " : " + count + " : " + action.Method.Name + " : " + ms + " ms";
Debug.Log(imageSize + " : " + count + " : " + action.Method.Name + " : " + ms + " ms");
private void getput()
AlphaBlend_getput(_fgMat, _bgMat, _alphaMat, _dstMat);
private void matOp()
AlphaBlend_matOp(_fgMat, _bgMat, _alphaMat, _dstMat);
private void matOp_alpha3c()
AlphaBlend_matOp_alpha3c(_fgMat, _bgMat, _alphaMat, _dstMat);
private void copyFromMat()
AlphaBlend_copyFromMat(_fgMat, _bgMat, _alphaMat, _dstMat);
private void marshal()
AlphaBlend_Marshal(_fgMat, _bgMat, _alphaMat, _dstMat);
private void pointerAccess()
AlphaBlend_pointerAccess(_fgMat, _bgMat, _alphaMat, _dstMat);
private long time(Action action, int count)
var tw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
return tw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
// mat.get() mat.put()
// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.ArrayBoundsChecks, false)]
// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, false)]
private void AlphaBlend_getput(Mat fg, Mat bg, Mat alpha, Mat dst)
byte[] fg_byte = new byte[fg.total() * fg.channels()];
fg.get(0, 0, fg_byte);
byte[] bg_byte = new byte[bg.total() * bg.channels()];
bg.get(0, 0, bg_byte);
byte[] alpha_byte = new byte[alpha.total() * alpha.channels()];
alpha.get(0, 0, alpha_byte);
int pixel_i = 0;
int channels = (int)bg.channels();
int total = (int)bg.total();
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
if (alpha_byte[i] == 0)
else if (alpha_byte[i] == 255)
bg_byte[pixel_i] = fg_byte[pixel_i];
bg_byte[pixel_i + 1] = fg_byte[pixel_i + 1];
bg_byte[pixel_i + 2] = fg_byte[pixel_i + 2];
bg_byte[pixel_i] = (byte)((fg_byte[pixel_i] * alpha_byte[i] + bg_byte[pixel_i] * (255 - alpha_byte[i])) >> 8);
bg_byte[pixel_i + 1] = (byte)((fg_byte[pixel_i + 1] * alpha_byte[i] + bg_byte[pixel_i + 1] * (255 - alpha_byte[i])) >> 8);
bg_byte[pixel_i + 2] = (byte)((fg_byte[pixel_i + 2] * alpha_byte[i] + bg_byte[pixel_i + 2] * (255 - alpha_byte[i])) >> 8);
pixel_i += channels;
dst.put(0, 0, bg_byte);
// Mat operation
private void AlphaBlend_matOp(Mat fg, Mat bg, Mat alpha, Mat dst)
List<Mat> channels = new List<Mat>();
using (Mat _bg = new Mat())
using (Mat inv_alpha = new Mat(alpha.width(), alpha.height(), alpha.type()))
Core.bitwise_not(alpha, inv_alpha);
Core.split(bg, channels);
Core.multiply(inv_alpha, channels[0], channels[0], 1.0 / 255);
Core.multiply(inv_alpha, channels[1], channels[1], 1.0 / 255);
Core.multiply(inv_alpha, channels[2], channels[2], 1.0 / 255);
Core.merge(channels, _bg);
using (Mat _fg = new Mat())
Core.split(fg, channels);
Core.multiply(alpha, channels[0], channels[0], 1.0 / 255);
Core.multiply(alpha, channels[1], channels[1], 1.0 / 255);
Core.multiply(alpha, channels[2], channels[2], 1.0 / 255);
Core.merge(channels, _fg);
Core.add(_fg, _bg, dst);
// Mat operation (3channel alpha)
private void AlphaBlend_matOp_alpha3c(Mat fg, Mat bg, Mat alpha, Mat dst)
using (Mat inv_alpha = new Mat(alpha.width(), alpha.height(), alpha.type()))
using (Mat alpha3c = new Mat())
using (Mat inv_alpha3c = new Mat())
List<Mat> channels = new List<Mat>();
Core.merge(channels, alpha3c);
Core.bitwise_not(alpha, inv_alpha);
Core.merge(channels, inv_alpha3c);
using (Mat _bg = new Mat())
using (Mat _fg = new Mat())
Core.multiply(inv_alpha3c, bg, _bg, 1.0 / 255);
Core.multiply(alpha3c, fg, _fg, 1.0 / 255);
Core.add(_fg, _bg, dst);
// MatUtils.copyFromMat
// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.ArrayBoundsChecks, false)]
// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, false)]
private void AlphaBlend_copyFromMat(Mat fg, Mat bg, Mat alpha, Mat dst)
byte[] fg_byte = new byte[fg.total() * fg.channels()];
MatUtils.copyFromMat<byte>(fg, fg_byte);
byte[] bg_byte = new byte[bg.total() * bg.channels()];
MatUtils.copyFromMat<byte>(bg, bg_byte);
byte[] alpha_byte = new byte[alpha.total() * alpha.channels()];
MatUtils.copyFromMat<byte>(alpha, alpha_byte);
int pixel_i = 0;
int channels = (int)bg.channels();
int total = (int)bg.total();
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
if (alpha_byte[i] == 0)
else if (alpha_byte[i] == 255)
bg_byte[pixel_i] = fg_byte[pixel_i];
bg_byte[pixel_i + 1] = fg_byte[pixel_i + 1];
bg_byte[pixel_i + 2] = fg_byte[pixel_i + 2];
bg_byte[pixel_i] = (byte)((fg_byte[pixel_i] * alpha_byte[i] + bg_byte[pixel_i] * (255 - alpha_byte[i])) >> 8);
bg_byte[pixel_i + 1] = (byte)((fg_byte[pixel_i + 1] * alpha_byte[i] + bg_byte[pixel_i + 1] * (255 - alpha_byte[i])) >> 8);
bg_byte[pixel_i + 2] = (byte)((fg_byte[pixel_i + 2] * alpha_byte[i] + bg_byte[pixel_i + 2] * (255 - alpha_byte[i])) >> 8);
pixel_i += channels;
MatUtils.copyToMat(bg_byte, dst);
// Marshal
// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.ArrayBoundsChecks, false)]
// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, false)]
private void AlphaBlend_Marshal(Mat fg, Mat bg, Mat alpha, Mat dst)
byte[] fg_byte = new byte[fg.total() * fg.channels()];
IntPtr fg_ptr = new IntPtr(fg.dataAddr());
byte[] bg_byte = new byte[bg.total() * bg.channels()];
IntPtr bg_ptr = new IntPtr(bg.dataAddr());
byte[] alpha_byte = new byte[alpha.total() * alpha.channels()];
IntPtr alpha_ptr = new IntPtr(alpha.dataAddr());
byte[] dst_byte = new byte[dst.total() * dst.channels()];
IntPtr dst_ptr = new IntPtr(dst.dataAddr());
if (fg.isContinuous())
Marshal.Copy(fg_ptr, fg_byte, 0, fg_byte.Length);
Marshal.Copy(bg_ptr, bg_byte, 0, bg_byte.Length);
Marshal.Copy(alpha_ptr, alpha_byte, 0, alpha_byte.Length);
Marshal.Copy(dst_ptr, dst_byte, 0, dst_byte.Length);
Size wholeSize = new Size();
Point ofs = new Point();
bg.locateROI(wholeSize, ofs);
long stride = (long)wholeSize.width * bg.elemSize();
int w = bg.cols() * bg.channels();
int h = bg.rows();
long alpha_stride = (long)wholeSize.width * alpha.channels();
int alpha_w = alpha.cols() * alpha.channels();
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
Marshal.Copy(fg_ptr, fg_byte, y * w, w);
Marshal.Copy(bg_ptr, bg_byte, y * w, w);
Marshal.Copy(alpha_ptr, alpha_byte, y * alpha_w, alpha_w);
Marshal.Copy(dst_ptr, dst_byte, y * w, w);
fg_ptr = new IntPtr(fg_ptr.ToInt64() + stride);
bg_ptr = new IntPtr(bg_ptr.ToInt64() + stride);
alpha_ptr = new IntPtr(alpha_ptr.ToInt64() + alpha_stride);
dst_ptr = new IntPtr(dst_ptr.ToInt64() + stride);
int pixel_i = 0;
int channels = (int)bg.channels();
int total = (int)bg.total();
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
if (alpha_byte[i] == 0)
else if (alpha_byte[i] == 255)
bg_byte[pixel_i] = fg_byte[pixel_i];
bg_byte[pixel_i + 1] = fg_byte[pixel_i + 1];
bg_byte[pixel_i + 2] = fg_byte[pixel_i + 2];
bg_byte[pixel_i] = (byte)((fg_byte[pixel_i] * alpha_byte[i] + bg_byte[pixel_i] * (255 - alpha_byte[i])) >> 8);
bg_byte[pixel_i + 1] = (byte)((fg_byte[pixel_i + 1] * alpha_byte[i] + bg_byte[pixel_i + 1] * (255 - alpha_byte[i])) >> 8);
bg_byte[pixel_i + 2] = (byte)((fg_byte[pixel_i + 2] * alpha_byte[i] + bg_byte[pixel_i + 2] * (255 - alpha_byte[i])) >> 8);
pixel_i += channels;
if (fg.isContinuous())
Marshal.Copy(bg_byte, 0, dst_ptr, bg_byte.Length);
dst_ptr = new IntPtr(dst.dataAddr());
Size wholeSize = new Size();
Point ofs = new Point();
bg.locateROI(wholeSize, ofs);
long stride = (long)wholeSize.width * bg.elemSize();
int w = bg.cols() * bg.channels();
int h = bg.rows();
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
Marshal.Copy(bg_byte, y * w, dst_ptr, w);
dst_ptr = new IntPtr(dst_ptr.ToInt64() + stride);
// pointer access
// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.ArrayBoundsChecks, false)]
// [Il2CppSetOption(Option.NullChecks, false)]
private void AlphaBlend_pointerAccess(Mat fg, Mat bg, Mat alpha, Mat dst)
IntPtr fg_ptr = new IntPtr(fg.dataAddr());
IntPtr bg_ptr = new IntPtr(bg.dataAddr());
IntPtr alpha_ptr = new IntPtr(alpha.dataAddr());
IntPtr dst_ptr = new IntPtr(dst.dataAddr());
if (fg.isContinuous())
int total = (int)bg.total();
byte* fg_p = (byte*)fg_ptr;
byte* bg_p = (byte*)bg_ptr;
byte* alpha_p = (byte*)alpha_ptr;
byte* dst_p = (byte*)dst_ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
*dst_p = (byte)(((*fg_p) * (*alpha_p) + (*bg_p) * (255 - *alpha_p)) >> 8);
fg_p++; bg_p++; dst_p++;
*dst_p = (byte)(((*fg_p) * (*alpha_p) + (*bg_p) * (255 - *alpha_p)) >> 8);
fg_p++; bg_p++; dst_p++;
*dst_p = (byte)(((*fg_p) * (*alpha_p) + (*bg_p) * (255 - *alpha_p)) >> 8);
fg_p++; bg_p++; dst_p++;
Size wholeSize = new Size();
Point ofs = new Point();
bg.locateROI(wholeSize, ofs);
long stride = (long)wholeSize.width * bg.channels();
int w = bg.cols() * bg.channels();
int h = bg.rows();
long alpha_stride = (long)wholeSize.width * alpha.channels();
int alpha_w = alpha.cols();
byte* fg_p = (byte*)fg_ptr;
byte* bg_p = (byte*)bg_ptr;
byte* alpha_p = (byte*)alpha_ptr;
byte* dst_p = (byte*)dst_ptr;
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < alpha_w; x++)
*dst_p = (byte)(((*fg_p) * (*alpha_p) + (*bg_p) * (255 - *alpha_p)) >> 8);
fg_p++; bg_p++; dst_p++;
*dst_p = (byte)(((*fg_p) * (*alpha_p) + (*bg_p) * (255 - *alpha_p)) >> 8);
fg_p++; bg_p++; dst_p++;
*dst_p = (byte)(((*fg_p) * (*alpha_p) + (*bg_p) * (255 - *alpha_p)) >> 8);
fg_p++; bg_p++; dst_p++;
fg_p += stride - w;
bg_p += stride - w;
alpha_p += alpha_stride - alpha_w;
dst_p += stride - w;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the back button click event.
/// </summary>
public void OnBackButtonClick()
/// <summary>
/// Raises the image size dropdown value changed event.
/// </summary>
public void OnImageSizeDropdownValueChanged(int result)
if ((int)imageSize != result)
imageSize = (ImageSize)result;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the count dropdown value changed event.
/// </summary>
public void OnCountDropdownValueChanged(int result)
switch (result)
case 0:
count = 1;
case 1:
count = 10;
case 2:
count = 100;
/// <summary>
/// Raises the getput button click event.
/// </summary>
public void OnGetPutButtonClick()
StartCoroutine(AlphaBlending(getput, count));
/// <summary>
/// Raises the MatOp button click event.
/// </summary>
public void OnMatOpButtonClick()
StartCoroutine(AlphaBlending(matOp, count));
/// <summary>
/// Raises the MatOpAlpha3c button click event.
/// </summary>
public void OnMatOpAlpha3cButtonClick()
StartCoroutine(AlphaBlending(matOp_alpha3c, count));
/// <summary>
/// Raises the copyFromMat button click event.
/// </summary>
public void OnCopyFromMatButtonClick()
StartCoroutine(AlphaBlending(copyFromMat, count));
/// <summary>
/// Raises the Marshal button click event.
/// </summary>
public void OnMarshalButtonClick()
StartCoroutine(AlphaBlending(marshal, count));
/// <summary>
/// Raises the pointer access button click event.
/// </summary>
public void OnPointerAccessButtonClick()
StartCoroutine(AlphaBlending(pointerAccess, count));
Debug.LogWarning("To use this example, need to add \"OPENCV_USE_UNSAFE_CODE\" to Scripting Define Symbols in Player Settings. In addition, unsafe code requires the `unsafe' command-line option to be specified.");
} |