142 lines
5.7 KiB
142 lines
5.7 KiB
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
namespace Michsky.UI.Shift
public class ToolsMenu : Editor
static string objectPath;
static void GetObjectPath()
objectPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Resources.Load("Shift UI Manager"));
objectPath = objectPath.Replace("Resources/Shift UI Manager.asset", "").Trim();
objectPath = objectPath + "Prefabs/";
static void MakeSceneDirty(GameObject source, string sourceName)
if (Application.isPlaying == false)
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(source, sourceName);
static void ShowErrorDialog()
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Shift UI", "Cannot create the object due to missing manager file. " +
"Make sure you have 'Shift UI Manager' file in Shift UI > Resources folder.", "Okay");
static void UpdateCustomEditorPath()
string mainPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(Resources.Load("Shift UI Manager"));
mainPath = mainPath.Replace("Resources/Shift UI Manager.asset", "").Trim();
string darkPath = mainPath + "Editor/Shift UI Skin Dark.guiskin";
string lightPath = mainPath + "Editor/Shift UI Skin Light.guiskin";
EditorPrefs.SetString("ShiftUI.CustomEditorDark", darkPath);
EditorPrefs.SetString("ShiftUI.CustomEditorLight", lightPath);
static void CreateObject(string resourcePath)
GameObject clone = Instantiate(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(objectPath + resourcePath + ".prefab", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
if (Selection.activeGameObject == null)
var canvas = (Canvas)GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Canvas))[0];
clone.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform, false);
else { clone.transform.SetParent(Selection.activeGameObject.transform, false); }
clone.name = clone.name.Replace("(Clone)", "").Trim();
MakeSceneDirty(clone, clone.name);
var canvas = (Canvas)GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(Canvas))[0];
clone.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform, false);
clone.name = clone.name.Replace("(Clone)", "").Trim();
MakeSceneDirty(clone, clone.name);
Selection.activeObject = clone;
catch { ShowErrorDialog(); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Canvas", false, -1)]
static void CreateCanvas()
GameObject clone = Instantiate(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(objectPath + "Other/Canvas" + ".prefab", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
clone.name = clone.name.Replace("(Clone)", "").Trim();
Selection.activeObject = clone;
MakeSceneDirty(clone, clone.name);
catch { ShowErrorDialog(); }
[MenuItem("Tools/Shift UI/Show UI Manager")]
static void ShowManager()
Selection.activeObject = Resources.Load("Shift UI Manager");
if (Selection.activeObject == null)
Debug.Log("Can't find a file named 'Shift UI Manager'. Make sure you have 'Shift UI Manager' file in Resources folder.");
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Buttons/Chapter Button", false, 0)]
static void BCB() { CreateObject("Button/Chapter Button"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Buttons/Icon Button", false, 0)]
static void BIB() { CreateObject("Button/Icon Button"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Buttons/Main Button", false, 0)]
static void BFMB() { CreateObject("Button/Main Button"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Buttons/Spotlight Button", false, 0)]
static void BSB() { CreateObject("Button/Spotlight Button"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Dropdown/Standard", false, 0)]
static void DST() { CreateObject("Dropdown/Dropdown"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Horizontal Selector/Standard", false, 0)]
static void HSHS() { CreateObject("Horizontal Selector/Horizontal Selector"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Input Field/Standard (Left Aligned)", false, 0)]
static void IFSLA() { CreateObject("Input Field/Standard (Left Aligned)"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Input Field/Standard (Middle Aligned)", false, 0)]
static void IFSMA() { CreateObject("Input Field/Standard (Middle Aligned)"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Loaders/Default Loader", false, 0)]
static void SPST() { CreateObject("Loader/Loading"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Scrollbar/Standard", false, 0)]
static void SBSB() { CreateObject("Scrollbar/Scrollbar"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Slider/Standard", false, 0)]
static void SLSL() { CreateObject("Slider/Slider"); }
[MenuItem("GameObject/Shift UI/Switch/Standard", false, 0)]
static void SWSW() { CreateObject("Switch/Switch"); }
} |