226 lines
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226 lines
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using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.Features2dModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.UtilsModule;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenCVForUnity.Xfeatures2dModule
// C++: class BoostDesc
* Class implementing BoostDesc (Learning Image Descriptors with Boosting), described in
* CITE: Trzcinski13a and CITE: Trzcinski13b.
* desc type of descriptor to use, BoostDesc::BINBOOST_256 is default (256 bit long dimension)
* Available types are: BoostDesc::BGM, BoostDesc::BGM_HARD, BoostDesc::BGM_BILINEAR, BoostDesc::LBGM,
* BoostDesc::BINBOOST_64, BoostDesc::BINBOOST_128, BoostDesc::BINBOOST_256
* use_orientation sample patterns using keypoints orientation, enabled by default
* scale_factor adjust the sampling window of detected keypoints
* 6.25f is default and fits for KAZE, SURF detected keypoints window ratio
* 6.75f should be the scale for SIFT detected keypoints window ratio
* 5.00f should be the scale for AKAZE, MSD, AGAST, FAST, BRISK keypoints window ratio
* 0.75f should be the scale for ORB keypoints ratio
* 1.50f was the default in original implementation
* <b>Note:</b> BGM is the base descriptor where each binary dimension is computed as the output of a single weak learner.
* BGM_HARD and BGM_BILINEAR refers to same BGM but use different type of gradient binning. In the BGM_HARD that
* use ASSIGN_HARD binning type the gradient is assigned to the nearest orientation bin. In the BGM_BILINEAR that use
* ASSIGN_BILINEAR binning type the gradient is assigned to the two neighbouring bins. In the BGM and all other modes that use
* ASSIGN_SOFT binning type the gradient is assigned to 8 nearest bins according to the cosine value between the gradient
* angle and the bin center. LBGM (alias FP-Boost) is the floating point extension where each dimension is computed
* as a linear combination of the weak learner responses. BINBOOST and subvariants are the binary extensions of LBGM
* where each bit is computed as a thresholded linear combination of a set of weak learners.
* BoostDesc header files (boostdesc_*.i) was exported from original binaries with export-boostdesc.py script from
* samples subfolder.
public class BoostDesc : Feature2D
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (IsEnabledDispose)
if (nativeObj != IntPtr.Zero)
nativeObj = IntPtr.Zero;
protected internal BoostDesc(IntPtr addr) : base(addr) { }
// internal usage only
public static new BoostDesc __fromPtr__(IntPtr addr) { return new BoostDesc(addr); }
// C++: static Ptr_BoostDesc cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::create(int desc = BoostDesc::BINBOOST_256, bool use_scale_orientation = true, float scale_factor = 6.25f)
public static BoostDesc create(int desc, bool use_scale_orientation, float scale_factor)
return BoostDesc.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create_10(desc, use_scale_orientation, scale_factor)));
public static BoostDesc create(int desc, bool use_scale_orientation)
return BoostDesc.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create_11(desc, use_scale_orientation)));
public static BoostDesc create(int desc)
return BoostDesc.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create_12(desc)));
public static BoostDesc create()
return BoostDesc.__fromPtr__(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create_13()));
// C++: String cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::getDefaultName()
public override string getDefaultName()
string retVal = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_getDefaultName_10(nativeObj)));
return retVal;
// C++: void cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::setUseScaleOrientation(bool use_scale_orientation)
public void setUseScaleOrientation(bool use_scale_orientation)
xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_setUseScaleOrientation_10(nativeObj, use_scale_orientation);
// C++: bool cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::getUseScaleOrientation()
public bool getUseScaleOrientation()
return xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_getUseScaleOrientation_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::setScaleFactor(float scale_factor)
public void setScaleFactor(float scale_factor)
xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_setScaleFactor_10(nativeObj, scale_factor);
// C++: float cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::getScaleFactor()
public float getScaleFactor()
return xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_getScaleFactor_10(nativeObj);
const string LIBNAME = "__Internal";
const string LIBNAME = "opencvforunity";
// C++: static Ptr_BoostDesc cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::create(int desc = BoostDesc::BINBOOST_256, bool use_scale_orientation = true, float scale_factor = 6.25f)
private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create_10(int desc, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool use_scale_orientation, float scale_factor);
private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create_11(int desc, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool use_scale_orientation);
private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create_12(int desc);
private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_create_13();
// C++: String cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::getDefaultName()
private static extern IntPtr xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_getDefaultName_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::setUseScaleOrientation(bool use_scale_orientation)
private static extern void xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_setUseScaleOrientation_10(IntPtr nativeObj, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool use_scale_orientation);
// C++: bool cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::getUseScaleOrientation()
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
private static extern bool xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_getUseScaleOrientation_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::setScaleFactor(float scale_factor)
private static extern void xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_setScaleFactor_10(IntPtr nativeObj, float scale_factor);
// C++: float cv::xfeatures2d::BoostDesc::getScaleFactor()
private static extern float xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_getScaleFactor_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// native support for java finalize()
private static extern void xfeatures2d_BoostDesc_delete(IntPtr nativeObj);