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using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.UtilsModule;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenCVForUnity.ImgprocModule
// C++: class IntelligentScissorsMB
* Intelligent Scissors image segmentation
* This class is used to find the path (contour) between two points
* which can be used for image segmentation.
* Usage example:
* SNIPPET: snippets/imgproc_segmentation.cpp usage_example_intelligent_scissors
* Reference: <a href="">"Intelligent Scissors for Image Composition"</a>
* algorithm designed by Eric N. Mortensen and William A. Barrett, Brigham Young University
* CITE: Mortensen95intelligentscissors
public class IntelligentScissorsMB : DisposableOpenCVObject
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (IsEnabledDispose)
if (nativeObj != IntPtr.Zero)
nativeObj = IntPtr.Zero;
protected internal IntelligentScissorsMB(IntPtr addr) : base(addr) { }
public IntPtr getNativeObjAddr() { return nativeObj; }
// internal usage only
public static IntelligentScissorsMB __fromPtr__(IntPtr addr) { return new IntelligentScissorsMB(addr); }
// C++: cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::IntelligentScissorsMB()
public IntelligentScissorsMB()
nativeObj = DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_IntelligentScissorsMB_10());
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setWeights(float weight_non_edge, float weight_gradient_direction, float weight_gradient_magnitude)
* Specify weights of feature functions
* Consider keeping weights normalized (sum of weights equals to 1.0)
* Discrete dynamic programming (DP) goal is minimization of costs between pixels.
* param weight_non_edge Specify cost of non-edge pixels (default: 0.43f)
* param weight_gradient_direction Specify cost of gradient direction function (default: 0.43f)
* param weight_gradient_magnitude Specify cost of gradient magnitude function (default: 0.14f)
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB setWeights(float weight_non_edge, float weight_gradient_direction, float weight_gradient_magnitude)
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setWeights_10(nativeObj, weight_non_edge, weight_gradient_direction, weight_gradient_magnitude)));
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit(float gradient_magnitude_threshold_max = 0.0f)
* Specify gradient magnitude max value threshold
* Zero limit value is used to disable gradient magnitude thresholding (default behavior, as described in original article).
* Otherwize pixels with {code gradient magnitude >= threshold} have zero cost.
* <b>Note:</b> Thresholding should be used for images with irregular regions (to avoid stuck on parameters from high-contract areas, like embedded logos).
* param gradient_magnitude_threshold_max Specify gradient magnitude max value threshold (default: 0, disabled)
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit(float gradient_magnitude_threshold_max)
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit_10(nativeObj, gradient_magnitude_threshold_max)));
* Specify gradient magnitude max value threshold
* Zero limit value is used to disable gradient magnitude thresholding (default behavior, as described in original article).
* Otherwize pixels with {code gradient magnitude &gt;= threshold} have zero cost.
* <b>Note:</b> Thresholding should be used for images with irregular regions (to avoid stuck on parameters from high-contract areas, like embedded logos).
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit()
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit_11(nativeObj)));
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters(float gradient_magnitude_min_value = 0.0f)
* Switch to "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" edge feature extractor and specify its parameters
* This feature extractor is used by default according to article.
* Implementation has additional filtering for regions with low-amplitude noise.
* This filtering is enabled through parameter of minimal gradient amplitude (use some small value 4, 8, 16).
* <b>Note:</b> Current implementation of this feature extractor is based on processing of grayscale images (color image is converted to grayscale image first).
* <b>Note:</b> Canny edge detector is a bit slower, but provides better results (especially on color images): use setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters().
* param gradient_magnitude_min_value Minimal gradient magnitude value for edge pixels (default: 0, check is disabled)
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters(float gradient_magnitude_min_value)
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters_10(nativeObj, gradient_magnitude_min_value)));
* Switch to "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" edge feature extractor and specify its parameters
* This feature extractor is used by default according to article.
* Implementation has additional filtering for regions with low-amplitude noise.
* This filtering is enabled through parameter of minimal gradient amplitude (use some small value 4, 8, 16).
* <b>Note:</b> Current implementation of this feature extractor is based on processing of grayscale images (color image is converted to grayscale image first).
* <b>Note:</b> Canny edge detector is a bit slower, but provides better results (especially on color images): use setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters().
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters()
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters_11(nativeObj)));
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize = 3, bool L2gradient = false)
* Switch edge feature extractor to use Canny edge detector
* <b>Note:</b> "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" feature extractor is used by default (following to original article)
* SEE: Canny
* param threshold1 automatically generated
* param threshold2 automatically generated
* param apertureSize automatically generated
* param L2gradient automatically generated
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize, bool L2gradient)
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_10(nativeObj, threshold1, threshold2, apertureSize, L2gradient)));
* Switch edge feature extractor to use Canny edge detector
* <b>Note:</b> "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" feature extractor is used by default (following to original article)
* SEE: Canny
* param threshold1 automatically generated
* param threshold2 automatically generated
* param apertureSize automatically generated
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize)
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_11(nativeObj, threshold1, threshold2, apertureSize)));
* Switch edge feature extractor to use Canny edge detector
* <b>Note:</b> "Laplacian Zero-Crossing" feature extractor is used by default (following to original article)
* SEE: Canny
* param threshold1 automatically generated
* param threshold2 automatically generated
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2)
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_12(nativeObj, threshold1, threshold2)));
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::applyImage(Mat image)
* Specify input image and extract image features
* param image input image. Type is #CV_8UC1 / #CV_8UC3
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB applyImage(Mat image)
if (image != null) image.ThrowIfDisposed();
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_applyImage_10(nativeObj, image.nativeObj)));
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::applyImageFeatures(Mat non_edge, Mat gradient_direction, Mat gradient_magnitude, Mat image = Mat())
* Specify custom features of input image
* Customized advanced variant of applyImage() call.
* param non_edge Specify cost of non-edge pixels. Type is CV_8UC1. Expected values are {code {0, 1}}.
* param gradient_direction Specify gradient direction feature. Type is CV_32FC2. Values are expected to be normalized: {code x^2 + y^2 == 1}
* param gradient_magnitude Specify cost of gradient magnitude function: Type is CV_32FC1. Values should be in range {code [0, 1]}.
* param image <b>Optional parameter</b>. Must be specified if subset of features is specified (non-specified features are calculated internally)
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB applyImageFeatures(Mat non_edge, Mat gradient_direction, Mat gradient_magnitude, Mat image)
if (non_edge != null) non_edge.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (gradient_direction != null) gradient_direction.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (gradient_magnitude != null) gradient_magnitude.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (image != null) image.ThrowIfDisposed();
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_applyImageFeatures_10(nativeObj, non_edge.nativeObj, gradient_direction.nativeObj, gradient_magnitude.nativeObj, image.nativeObj)));
* Specify custom features of input image
* Customized advanced variant of applyImage() call.
* param non_edge Specify cost of non-edge pixels. Type is CV_8UC1. Expected values are {code {0, 1}}.
* param gradient_direction Specify gradient direction feature. Type is CV_32FC2. Values are expected to be normalized: {code x^2 + y^2 == 1}
* param gradient_magnitude Specify cost of gradient magnitude function: Type is CV_32FC1. Values should be in range {code [0, 1]}.
* return automatically generated
public IntelligentScissorsMB applyImageFeatures(Mat non_edge, Mat gradient_direction, Mat gradient_magnitude)
if (non_edge != null) non_edge.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (gradient_direction != null) gradient_direction.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (gradient_magnitude != null) gradient_magnitude.ThrowIfDisposed();
return new IntelligentScissorsMB(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_applyImageFeatures_11(nativeObj, non_edge.nativeObj, gradient_direction.nativeObj, gradient_magnitude.nativeObj)));
// C++: void cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::buildMap(Point sourcePt)
* Prepares a map of optimal paths for the given source point on the image
* <b>Note:</b> applyImage() / applyImageFeatures() must be called before this call
* param sourcePt The source point used to find the paths
public void buildMap(Point sourcePt)
imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_buildMap_10(nativeObj, sourcePt.x, sourcePt.y);
// C++: void cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::getContour(Point targetPt, Mat& contour, bool backward = false)
* Extracts optimal contour for the given target point on the image
* <b>Note:</b> buildMap() must be called before this call
* param targetPt The target point
* param contour The list of pixels which contains optimal path between the source and the target points of the image. Type is CV_32SC2 (compatible with {code std::vector&lt;Point&gt;})
* param backward Flag to indicate reverse order of retrived pixels (use "true" value to fetch points from the target to the source point)
public void getContour(Point targetPt, Mat contour, bool backward)
if (contour != null) contour.ThrowIfDisposed();
imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_getContour_10(nativeObj, targetPt.x, targetPt.y, contour.nativeObj, backward);
* Extracts optimal contour for the given target point on the image
* <b>Note:</b> buildMap() must be called before this call
* param targetPt The target point
* param contour The list of pixels which contains optimal path between the source and the target points of the image. Type is CV_32SC2 (compatible with {code std::vector&lt;Point&gt;})
public void getContour(Point targetPt, Mat contour)
if (contour != null) contour.ThrowIfDisposed();
imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_getContour_11(nativeObj, targetPt.x, targetPt.y, contour.nativeObj);
const string LIBNAME = "__Internal";
const string LIBNAME = "opencvforunity";
// C++: cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::IntelligentScissorsMB()
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_IntelligentScissorsMB_10();
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setWeights(float weight_non_edge, float weight_gradient_direction, float weight_gradient_magnitude)
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setWeights_10(IntPtr nativeObj, float weight_non_edge, float weight_gradient_direction, float weight_gradient_magnitude);
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit(float gradient_magnitude_threshold_max = 0.0f)
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit_10(IntPtr nativeObj, float gradient_magnitude_threshold_max);
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setGradientMagnitudeMaxLimit_11(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters(float gradient_magnitude_min_value = 0.0f)
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters_10(IntPtr nativeObj, float gradient_magnitude_min_value);
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureZeroCrossingParameters_11(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters(double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize = 3, bool L2gradient = false)
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_10(IntPtr nativeObj, double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool L2gradient);
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_11(IntPtr nativeObj, double threshold1, double threshold2, int apertureSize);
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_setEdgeFeatureCannyParameters_12(IntPtr nativeObj, double threshold1, double threshold2);
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::applyImage(Mat image)
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_applyImage_10(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr image_nativeObj);
// C++: IntelligentScissorsMB cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::applyImageFeatures(Mat non_edge, Mat gradient_direction, Mat gradient_magnitude, Mat image = Mat())
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_applyImageFeatures_10(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr non_edge_nativeObj, IntPtr gradient_direction_nativeObj, IntPtr gradient_magnitude_nativeObj, IntPtr image_nativeObj);
private static extern IntPtr imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_applyImageFeatures_11(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr non_edge_nativeObj, IntPtr gradient_direction_nativeObj, IntPtr gradient_magnitude_nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::buildMap(Point sourcePt)
private static extern void imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_buildMap_10(IntPtr nativeObj, double sourcePt_x, double sourcePt_y);
// C++: void cv::segmentation::IntelligentScissorsMB::getContour(Point targetPt, Mat& contour, bool backward = false)
private static extern void imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_getContour_10(IntPtr nativeObj, double targetPt_x, double targetPt_y, IntPtr contour_nativeObj, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool backward);
private static extern void imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_getContour_11(IntPtr nativeObj, double targetPt_x, double targetPt_y, IntPtr contour_nativeObj);
// native support for java finalize()
private static extern void imgproc_IntelligentScissorsMB_delete(IntPtr nativeObj);