257 lines
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257 lines
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#if !UNITY_WSA_10_0
using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule;
using OpenCVForUnity.UtilsModule;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenCVForUnity.DnnModule
// C++: class DetectionModel
* This class represents high-level API for object detection networks.
* DetectionModel allows to set params for preprocessing input image.
* DetectionModel creates net from file with trained weights and config,
* sets preprocessing input, runs forward pass and return result detections.
* For DetectionModel SSD, Faster R-CNN, YOLO topologies are supported.
public class DetectionModel : Model
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (IsEnabledDispose)
if (nativeObj != IntPtr.Zero)
nativeObj = IntPtr.Zero;
protected internal DetectionModel(IntPtr addr) : base(addr) { }
// internal usage only
public static new DetectionModel __fromPtr__(IntPtr addr) { return new DetectionModel(addr); }
// C++: cv::dnn::DetectionModel::DetectionModel(String model, String config = "")
* Create detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
* An order of {code model} and {code config} arguments does not matter.
* param model Binary file contains trained weights.
* param config Text file contains network configuration.
public DetectionModel(string model, string config) :
base(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(dnn_DetectionModel_DetectionModel_10(model, config)))
* Create detection model from network represented in one of the supported formats.
* An order of {code model} and {code config} arguments does not matter.
* param model Binary file contains trained weights.
public DetectionModel(string model) :
// C++: cv::dnn::DetectionModel::DetectionModel(Net network)
* Create model from deep learning network.
* param network Net object.
public DetectionModel(Net network) :
// C++: DetectionModel cv::dnn::DetectionModel::setNmsAcrossClasses(bool value)
* nmsAcrossClasses defaults to false,
* such that when non max suppression is used during the detect() function, it will do so per-class.
* This function allows you to toggle this behaviour.
* param value The new value for nmsAcrossClasses
* return automatically generated
public DetectionModel setNmsAcrossClasses(bool value)
return new DetectionModel(DisposableObject.ThrowIfNullIntPtr(dnn_DetectionModel_setNmsAcrossClasses_10(nativeObj, value)));
// C++: bool cv::dnn::DetectionModel::getNmsAcrossClasses()
* Getter for nmsAcrossClasses. This variable defaults to false,
* such that when non max suppression is used during the detect() function, it will do so only per-class
* return automatically generated
public bool getNmsAcrossClasses()
return dnn_DetectionModel_getNmsAcrossClasses_10(nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::dnn::DetectionModel::detect(Mat frame, vector_int& classIds, vector_float& confidences, vector_Rect& boxes, float confThreshold = 0.5f, float nmsThreshold = 0.0f)
* Given the {code input} frame, create input blob, run net and return result detections.
* param classIds Class indexes in result detection.
* param confidences A set of corresponding confidences.
* param boxes A set of bounding boxes.
* param confThreshold A threshold used to filter boxes by confidences.
* param nmsThreshold A threshold used in non maximum suppression.
* param frame automatically generated
public void detect(Mat frame, MatOfInt classIds, MatOfFloat confidences, MatOfRect boxes, float confThreshold, float nmsThreshold)
if (frame != null) frame.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (classIds != null) classIds.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (confidences != null) confidences.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (boxes != null) boxes.ThrowIfDisposed();
Mat classIds_mat = classIds;
Mat confidences_mat = confidences;
Mat boxes_mat = boxes;
dnn_DetectionModel_detect_10(nativeObj, frame.nativeObj, classIds_mat.nativeObj, confidences_mat.nativeObj, boxes_mat.nativeObj, confThreshold, nmsThreshold);
* Given the {code input} frame, create input blob, run net and return result detections.
* param classIds Class indexes in result detection.
* param confidences A set of corresponding confidences.
* param boxes A set of bounding boxes.
* param confThreshold A threshold used to filter boxes by confidences.
* param frame automatically generated
public void detect(Mat frame, MatOfInt classIds, MatOfFloat confidences, MatOfRect boxes, float confThreshold)
if (frame != null) frame.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (classIds != null) classIds.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (confidences != null) confidences.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (boxes != null) boxes.ThrowIfDisposed();
Mat classIds_mat = classIds;
Mat confidences_mat = confidences;
Mat boxes_mat = boxes;
dnn_DetectionModel_detect_11(nativeObj, frame.nativeObj, classIds_mat.nativeObj, confidences_mat.nativeObj, boxes_mat.nativeObj, confThreshold);
* Given the {code input} frame, create input blob, run net and return result detections.
* param classIds Class indexes in result detection.
* param confidences A set of corresponding confidences.
* param boxes A set of bounding boxes.
* param frame automatically generated
public void detect(Mat frame, MatOfInt classIds, MatOfFloat confidences, MatOfRect boxes)
if (frame != null) frame.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (classIds != null) classIds.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (confidences != null) confidences.ThrowIfDisposed();
if (boxes != null) boxes.ThrowIfDisposed();
Mat classIds_mat = classIds;
Mat confidences_mat = confidences;
Mat boxes_mat = boxes;
dnn_DetectionModel_detect_12(nativeObj, frame.nativeObj, classIds_mat.nativeObj, confidences_mat.nativeObj, boxes_mat.nativeObj);
const string LIBNAME = "__Internal";
const string LIBNAME = "opencvforunity";
// C++: cv::dnn::DetectionModel::DetectionModel(String model, String config = "")
private static extern IntPtr dnn_DetectionModel_DetectionModel_10(string model, string config);
private static extern IntPtr dnn_DetectionModel_DetectionModel_11(string model);
// C++: cv::dnn::DetectionModel::DetectionModel(Net network)
private static extern IntPtr dnn_DetectionModel_DetectionModel_12(IntPtr network_nativeObj);
// C++: DetectionModel cv::dnn::DetectionModel::setNmsAcrossClasses(bool value)
private static extern IntPtr dnn_DetectionModel_setNmsAcrossClasses_10(IntPtr nativeObj, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] bool value);
// C++: bool cv::dnn::DetectionModel::getNmsAcrossClasses()
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
private static extern bool dnn_DetectionModel_getNmsAcrossClasses_10(IntPtr nativeObj);
// C++: void cv::dnn::DetectionModel::detect(Mat frame, vector_int& classIds, vector_float& confidences, vector_Rect& boxes, float confThreshold = 0.5f, float nmsThreshold = 0.0f)
private static extern void dnn_DetectionModel_detect_10(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr frame_nativeObj, IntPtr classIds_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr confidences_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr boxes_mat_nativeObj, float confThreshold, float nmsThreshold);
private static extern void dnn_DetectionModel_detect_11(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr frame_nativeObj, IntPtr classIds_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr confidences_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr boxes_mat_nativeObj, float confThreshold);
private static extern void dnn_DetectionModel_detect_12(IntPtr nativeObj, IntPtr frame_nativeObj, IntPtr classIds_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr confidences_mat_nativeObj, IntPtr boxes_mat_nativeObj);
// native support for java finalize()
private static extern void dnn_DetectionModel_delete(IntPtr nativeObj);
#endif |