using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; using System; using System.Collections; #if PLATFORM_ANDROID using UnityEngine.Android; using UnityEngine.Networking; #endif #if PLATFORM_IOS using UnityEngine.iOS; using System.Collections; #endif public class VWU_AzureExample : VoiceWakeUp { // Hook up the two properties below with a Text and Button object in your UI. //public Text outputText; //public Button startRecoButton; private object threadLocker = new object(); private bool waitingForReco; private string message; private bool micPermissionGranted = false; private string kwsModelDir; [SerializeField] private string key = ""; [SerializeField] private string ServiceRegion = "eastasia"; [SerializeField] private string kwsModelFile = "kws.table"; private const string keyword = "hey mike"; #if PLATFORM_ANDROID || PLATFORM_IOS // Required to manifest microphone permission, cf. // private Microphone mic; #endif public async void ButtonClick() { try { lock (threadLocker) { waitingForReco = true; } // Creates an instance of a speech config with specified subscription key and service region. // Replace with your own subscription key and service region (e.g., "westus"). var config = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription(key, ServiceRegion); #if PLATFORM_ANDROID kwsModelDir = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + kwsModelFile; #else kwsModelDir = Application.streamingAssetsPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + kwsModelFile; #endif UnityEngine.Debug.Log(kwsModelDir); var model = KeywordRecognitionModel.FromFile(kwsModelDir); var stopRecognition = new TaskCompletionSource(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously); var resultStr = ""; // Creates a speech recognizer using microphone as audio input. using (var recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(config)) { // Subscribes to events. recognizer.Recognized += (s, e) => { if (e.Result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizedKeyword) { resultStr = $"RECOGNIZED KEYWORD: '{e.Result.Text}'"; } else if (e.Result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizedSpeech) { resultStr = $"RECOGNIZED: '{e.Result.Text}'"; } else if (e.Result.Reason == ResultReason.NoMatch) { resultStr = "NOMATCH: Speech could not be recognized."; } UnityEngine.Debug.Log(resultStr); lock (threadLocker) { message = resultStr; } }; recognizer.Canceled += (s, e) => { var cancellation = CancellationDetails.FromResult(e.Result); resultStr = $"CANCELED: Reason={cancellation.Reason} ErrorDetails={cancellation.ErrorDetails}"; if (cancellation.Reason == CancellationReason.Error) { lock (threadLocker) { message = resultStr; } } UnityEngine.Debug.Log(resultStr); stopRecognition.TrySetResult(0); }; recognizer.SessionStarted += (s, e) => { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("\nSession started event."); }; recognizer.SessionStopped += (s, e) => { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("\nSession stopped event."); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("\nStop recognition."); stopRecognition.TrySetResult(0); }; UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Say something starting with the keyword '{keyword}' followed by whatever you want..."); // Starts continuous recognition using the keyword model. Use StopKeywordRecognitionAsync() to stop recognition. await recognizer.StartKeywordRecognitionAsync(model).ConfigureAwait(false); // Waits for a single successful keyword-triggered speech recognition (or error). // Use Task.WaitAny to keep the task rooted. Task.WaitAny(new[] { stopRecognition.Task }); await recognizer.StopKeywordRecognitionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); lock (threadLocker) { waitingForReco = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lock (threadLocker) { message = "Exception: " + ex.ToString(); waitingForReco = false; } } } #if PLATFORM_ANDROID IEnumerator CopyKwsModelFileFromStreamingAssetsAsync() { string fromFile = Application.streamingAssetsPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + kwsModelFile; string toFile = Application.persistentDataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + kwsModelFile; UnityWebRequest downloader = UnityWebRequest.Get(fromFile); yield return downloader.SendWebRequest(); DownloadHandler handler = downloader.downloadHandler; File.WriteAllBytes(toFile,; } #endif void Start() { Debug.Log("Start enter"); // Continue with normal initialization, Text and Button objects are present. #if PLATFORM_ANDROID // Request to use the microphone, cf. // message = "Waiting for mic permission"; if (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Microphone)) { Permission.RequestUserPermission(Permission.Microphone); } StartCoroutine(CopyKwsModelFileFromStreamingAssetsAsync()); #elif PLATFORM_IOS if (!Application.HasUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.Microphone)) { Application.RequestUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.Microphone); } #else micPermissionGranted = true; message = "Click button to recognize speech using a keyword"; #endif Debug.Log("Start exit"); } void Update() { #if PLATFORM_ANDROID if (!micPermissionGranted && Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Microphone)) { micPermissionGranted = true; message = "Click button to recognize speech"; } #elif PLATFORM_IOS if (!micPermissionGranted && Application.HasUserAuthorization(UserAuthorization.Microphone)) { micPermissionGranted = true; message = "Click button to recognize speech"; } #endif } public override void StartRecgnition(Action callback) { base.StartRecgnition(callback); ButtonClick(); } public override void StopRecognition() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }