using Rect = OpenCVCompact.Rect; using OpenCVCompact; using System; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils.Helper; using dnn; public abstract class FaceDetectManagerBase : MonoBehaviour { //Related To DNN Model protected dnn.DNNUtils dnnUtils; protected Texture2D _videoTexture; protected double _lndmrkEstScore; protected Mat mat4Process; protected Mat grayMat4Process; protected Mat mat4Display; protected Mat mat4DisplayTexture; protected Mat lndmrk; protected MatOfRect detectionResult; protected Rect detectRect; protected int[] faceRect = new int[4]; //int webCamOrVideoOrImage = 0; //0 : webcam, 1 : video, 2 : image int lndmrkMode = 1; //0: 51, 1: 84 int lndmrkLevel = 3; bool kalmanOrNot = true; float lndmrkEstScore; protected FaceDetectUI panel; protected Texture2D _cutTexture; // Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { UIManager.Instance.LoadReset(); panel = UIManager.Instance.ShowPanel(); InitModel(); InitVariable(); InitMatHelper(); } private void OnDestroy() { if (mat4Process != null) mat4Process.Dispose(); if (grayMat4Process != null) grayMat4Process.Dispose(); //if (img4Thread != null) // img4Thread.Dispose(); if (lndmrk != null) lndmrk.Dispose(); //if (lndmrk4Thread != null) // lndmrk4Thread.Dispose(); if (mat4Display != null) mat4Display.Dispose(); if (mat4DisplayTexture != null) mat4DisplayTexture.Dispose(); //if (probExp != null) // probExp.Dispose(); Dispose(); } protected abstract void InitMatHelper(); protected abstract void Dispose(); private void InitVariable() { mat4Process = new Mat(); grayMat4Process = new Mat(); detectionResult = new MatOfRect(); detectRect = new Rect(); lndmrk = new Mat(2, 84, CvType.CV_32FC1, 0.0f); InvokeRepeating("AnalyzingFace", 0f, 1f); } private bool InitModel() { dnnUtils = new dnn.DNNUtils(); string dnnLndmrkDetectModelFilePath; string dnnFaceAttr7ModelFilePath; string dnnFaceExpModelFilePath; string multiTinyFaceDetectModelFilePath; string YOLOV3DetectModelFilePath; string YOLOV3DetectParamFilePath; string YOLOV3DetectOpenCVModelFilePath; string YOLOV3DetectOpenCVParamFilePath; //Init Model File Path #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS) && !UNITY_EDITOR dnnLndmrkDetectModelFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/face_lndmrk_detect_mobile.bin"); #else dnnLndmrkDetectModelFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/face_lndmrk_detect.bin"); #endif #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS) && !UNITY_EDITOR dnnFaceAttr7ModelFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/att_7_mobile.bin"); #else dnnFaceAttr7ModelFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/att_7.bin"); #endif #if (UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_IOS) && !UNITY_EDITOR dnnFaceExpModelFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/face_exp_mobile.bin"); #else dnnFaceExpModelFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/face_exp.bin"); #endif multiTinyFaceDetectModelFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/multi_tiny_face_detect_mobile.bin"); YOLOV3DetectModelFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/yolov3.bin"); YOLOV3DetectParamFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/yolov3.param"); YOLOV3DetectOpenCVModelFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/yolov3-tiny.weights"); YOLOV3DetectOpenCVParamFilePath = Utils.getFilePath("FaceAnalyzer/yolov3-tiny.cfg"); bool initFaceLndmrkRes; initFaceLndmrkRes = dnnUtils.InitFaceLandmarkDetect(dnnLndmrkDetectModelFilePath); if (initFaceLndmrkRes == false) { LogPrint.Error(dnnLndmrkDetectModelFilePath + " file is not loaded."); LogPrint.Error(dnnLndmrkDetectModelFilePath + " file is not existed on StreamingAssets Folder. Please copy from “Assets/FaceAnalyzer/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder."); } dnnUtils.InitHeadPoseEstimation(); int initFaceAttrRes = dnnUtils.InitFaceAttribNet_7(dnnFaceAttr7ModelFilePath); if (initFaceAttrRes <= 0) { LogPrint.Error(dnnFaceAttr7ModelFilePath + " file is not loaded."); LogPrint.Error(dnnFaceAttr7ModelFilePath + " file is not existed on StreamingAssets Folder. Please copy from “Assets/FaceAnalyzer/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder."); } int initFaceExpRes = dnnUtils.InitFaceExpressionNet_7(dnnFaceExpModelFilePath); if (initFaceExpRes <= 0) { LogPrint.Error(dnnFaceExpModelFilePath + " file is not loaded."); LogPrint.Error(dnnFaceExpModelFilePath + " file is not existed on StreamingAssets Folder. Please copy from “Assets/FaceAnalyzer/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder."); } int initMultiTinyFaceDetectRes = dnnUtils.InitMultiTinyFaceDetector(multiTinyFaceDetectModelFilePath); if (initMultiTinyFaceDetectRes <= 0) { LogPrint.Error(multiTinyFaceDetectModelFilePath + " file is not loaded."); LogPrint.Error(multiTinyFaceDetectModelFilePath + " file is not existed on StreamingAssets Folder. Please copy from “Assets/FaceAnalyzer/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder."); } int initYOLOV3DetectRes = dnnUtils.InitYOLOV3Detector(YOLOV3DetectModelFilePath, YOLOV3DetectParamFilePath); if (initYOLOV3DetectRes == -1) { LogPrint.Error(YOLOV3DetectModelFilePath + " file is not loaded."); LogPrint.Error(YOLOV3DetectModelFilePath + " file is not existed on StreamingAssets Folder. Please copy from “Assets/FaceAnalyzer/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder."); } else if (initYOLOV3DetectRes == -2) { LogPrint.Error(YOLOV3DetectParamFilePath + " file is not loaded."); LogPrint.Error(YOLOV3DetectParamFilePath + " file is not existed on StreamingAssets Folder. Please copy from “Assets/FaceAnalyzer/StreamingAssets/” to “Assets/StreamingAssets/” folder."); } dnnUtils.InitLabels_7(); dnnUtils.InitExpLabels_7(); dnnUtils.InitObjectLabels_21(); dnnUtils.InitKalmanFilter(10f); return true; } protected abstract Mat GetMat(); //update protected virtual void AnalyzingFace() { mat4Display = GetMat(); if (mat4Display == null) return; //mat4Display.copyTo(mat4Process); mat4Process = PictureUtility.GetROIRect(mat4Display.clone(), out var roiRegion); //Face Detect panel.RefreshData(LandmarkDetect()); var point1 = new Point(roiRegion[0], roiRegion[1]); var point2 = new Point(roiRegion[0] + roiRegion[2], roiRegion[0] + roiRegion[3]); Imgproc.rectangle(mat4Display, point1, point2, new Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2); DebugPint(); } protected abstract void DebugPint(); protected Dictionary LandmarkDetect() { if (dnnUtils.GetEstimateLandmarkSuccessOrNot() == false || lndmrkEstScore < 0.25) //If It Failed To Track Facial Landmark in Previous Frame { //Face Detect!!! Imgproc.cvtColor(mat4Process, grayMat4Process, OpenCVCompact.Imgproc.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY); //Face Detection Should Use Gray Image if (dnnUtils.DetectFace(grayMat4Process, detectionResult, 32, 1024, true)) //Detect Face { detectRect = detectionResult.toArray()[0]; faceRect[0] = detectRect.x; faceRect[1] = detectRect.y; faceRect[2] = detectRect.width; faceRect[3] = detectRect.height; lndmrkEstScore = dnnUtils.EstimateFacialLandmark(mat4Process.nativeObj, ref faceRect[0], lndmrk.nativeObj, lndmrkMode, kalmanOrNot, lndmrkLevel); } } else { //Track Facial Landmark If It Succeeded In Previous Frame faceRect = dnnUtils.SquareFromInnerLandmark(lndmrk.nativeObj); lndmrkEstScore = dnnUtils.EstimateFacialLandmark(mat4Process.nativeObj, ref faceRect[0], lndmrk.nativeObj, lndmrkMode, kalmanOrNot, lndmrkLevel); } Mat prob = new Mat(); Dictionary retVal = null; if (dnnUtils.EstFaceAttribNet_7(mat4Process.nativeObj, lndmrk.nativeObj, CvType.COLOR_RGBA, prob.nativeObj) == true) { dnnUtils.ParseEstFaceAttrib_7(prob); string text = string.Empty; retVal = new Dictionary(dnnUtils.dnnFaceAttribRes_7); int idx = 0; foreach (var pair in dnnUtils.dnnFaceAttribRes_7) { string tmp; if (idx % 2 == 0) tmp = string.Format("[{0}] : {1}\n", pair.Key, pair.Value); else tmp = string.Format("[{0}] : {1}\t\t", pair.Key, pair.Value); text = string.Concat(text, tmp); idx = idx + 1; } } prob.Dispose(); return retVal; } }